Problem with ng-checked Angularjs!


Viewed 515 times


Person have an input from type="radio" when clicked calls a function and fills a select.. but this only happens when I click the input.. I need it to load automatically on the page loading, I have the following code:

<label class="margin-10-right">
   <input data-ng-click="vm.getFinanceiroTipoReceita(); vm.despesa.TipoSaida = false; vm.despesa.TipoEntrada = true"
       Entrada (Receita)

function getFinanceiroTipoReceita() {
  vm.listaArray = [];
  $.each(vm.listaTipoDespesa, function (indice, obj) {
    if (obj.TipoEntrada == true) {
      // console.log(vm.listaArray);
  • Add the code of your controller.

  • Ready already added

  • You want to fill the select in accordance with the radio that was marked, that?

  • It already happens, but only when I click on radio.. I need you to do this when the page is loaded and the radio is already checked as default...

  • 1

    Just you assign on JS the value in the variable related to ng-model and call the function that is in the ng-click.

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1 answer


Your problem is somewhat confused, but follows an example using a function _ inicializar which allows the selection and filtering to be performed immediately upon starting the controller:

  .module('meuApp', [])
  .controller('MeuController', MeuController);

MeuController.$inject = ['$filter'];

function MeuController($filter) {
  var vm = this;
  var _opcoes;
  vm.filtrar = _filtrar;
  vm.selecionado = {};

  function _inicializar() {
    vm.tipos = [];
    vm.tipos.push({descricao: 'Débito', tipo: 'D'});
    vm.tipos.push({descricao: 'Crédito', tipo: 'C'});
    _opcoes = [];
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Conta Poupança', tipo: 'C', codigo: 1});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Conta Corrente', tipo: 'D', codigo: 2});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Dinheiro', tipo: 'C', codigo: 3});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Dinheiro', tipo: 'D', codigo: 4});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Vale Compra', tipo: 'C', codigo: 5});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Cartão de Crédito', tipo: 'D', codigo: 6});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Vale Alimentação', tipo: 'D', codigo: 7});
    _opcoes.push({descricao: 'Vale Refeição', tipo: 'D', codigo: 8});
    vm.selecionado.tipo = 'D';
  function _filtrar() {
    vm.opcoes = $filter('filter')(_opcoes, {tipo: vm.selecionado.tipo});
    vm.selecionado.opcao = vm.opcoes[0].codigo;
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="meuApp" ng-controller="MeuController as vm">
  <label ng-repeat="tipo in vm.tipos">
    <input type="radio"
  <select ng-options="opcao.codigo as opcao.descricao for opcao in vm.opcoes"

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