Pass an object to Modal


Viewed 869 times


I have a Foreach in a table, I need as soon as the user clicks on a row, open a modal with the object data contained in that row.

The Foreach:

     @foreach (PedidoModel pedido in @Model.Entidades)
                    <tr title="Clique para exibir detalhes" style="cursor:pointer" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal">
                        <td style="text-align:center"><input type="checkbox"></td>
                        <td>R$ @pedido.ValorTotal</td>
                            <span class="label label-success">@pedido.Status</span>

When I will click on tr I intend to open a modal that is in a partialView

I tried to put the partialView within the foreach and pass the model on the call, like this :


But the Modal appears on the page itself, other than in modal.

Before I had to pass the information to modal I opened it like this:

 $("#myModal").on("show", function () {
}).on("hidden", function () {

If anyone knows a way to do that I’d be grateful.

1 answer


On the page where you want to call the modal, just leave the initial modal tag

<div class="modal" id="abrir"></div>

Ja na Partialview _Detailsput all the rest of the modal code

<div class="modal-dialog">
  <div class="modal-content">

In the html of the tr put an attribute to load the data

<tr class="trClick" data-pedido="@pedido">

On the page call, you can do by script

        var DadosPedido = $(this).attr("data-pedido");
        $("#abrir").load("/Pedidos/_DetalhePedido/" + DadosPedido);

In the modal controller, you can process the data or simply load it

public ActionResult __DetalhePedido(Pedido dados)
  return PartialView(Dados);

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