error: Could not find: C: android-sdk Platform-tools zipalign.exe


Viewed 4,148 times


When performing the Build on the main for smart device android platform, at the end of the process I get the following message: error: Could not find: C: android-sdk Platform-tools zipalign.exe

I already removed and installed again the android SDK but the merge persists. This file is located in another path, in the case in the folder: C: android-sdk build-tools 19.1.0 zipalign.exe

Is there any settings to configure this path?

1 answer


Reply on this link:

"Starting with SDK Tools 23, zipalign.exe has been moved again. It is no longer in its previous location (in tools), it is in the build-tools folder.

This issue has been fixed in Genexus X Evolution 3 Upgrade 1 (as well as Evolution 2 Update 7).

For now, you can avoid this problem by following these steps:

  1. Check that at least one version of the SDK is installed (this is required for compiling anyway).
  2. Copy the zipalign.exe file from the " build-tools" folder to " tools" or " Platform-tools"."
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