Access object inside object (Sdtclass - Codeigniter)


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Hello! Through the ajax data: { 'objeto': JSON.stringify(_obj_devedor) }; I am sending the following objeto to the server.

And in codeigniter, I’m converting as follows:
$objeto = $_POST['objeto']; $objeto_decode = json_decode($objeto);

And accessing the items (example: contracts) as follows.

Turns out I’m only getting access to this item. So how can I access items that are nested to contratos, as highlighted in red in the image below, in negociacoes and parcelas?

I tried it this way and I couldn’t:





1 answer


Just look at the types of each value. That is, the return of:

$objeto_decode = json_decode($objeto);

It will be an object, so to access the attribute contratos, just do $objeto_decode->contratos. However, the type of contract attribute is array, then we must inform the key that indicates which position we desire. If it is the first, just enter the value 0 - if they are all, just go through a loop:

$objeto_decode->contratos[0] // Retorna o primeiro elemento de contratos

But every element of that array is an object that has the attribute negociacoes, then, to access this attribute:


Again, negociacoes is a array of objects that have the attribute parcelas, then we must inform the key that indicates the position we desire:


Finally, parcelas will also be a array of objects, then, for example, if you need the value of the first installment, the first negotiation, the first contract, would be:

echo $objeto_decode->contratos[0]->negociacoes[0]->parcelas[0]->valor;

As requested in the comments, to go through all contracts, negotiations and installments, a loop of repetition would be required for each. See an example below:

// Percorre todos os contratos:
foreach ($objeto_decode->contratos as $contrato) {

    // Percorre todas as negociações:
    foreach ($contrato->negociacoes as $negociacao) {

        // Percorre todas as parcelas:
        foreach ($negociacao->parcelas as $parcela) {

            // Código



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