Error calling route Debugger


Viewed 21 times


I installed Route Debugger via Nuget: Install-Package Webapiroutedebugger. When I run my app, and I call the Bugger a route(http://localhost:9078/Rd), this way, explodes this error: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But the reference System.Web.Optimization is added to the project and has no conflict. How do I fix this? This happened after the package installation

  • Your web.config has the same version as Assembly?

  • @Gabrielcoletta, it was working. It happened after I installed the package to debug the routes, to solve another problem. I uninstalled the DLL and also the webgrease, it worked. I think they were installed in the package and uninstalled the package and forget the route debug.

  • What happens is that Webapiroutedebugger needs some dependencies with certain versions, if you already used these dependencies, it is very likely that it updated to avoid conflict and did not update the version specified on your web.config.

  • @Gabrielcoletta, I get it. It would be a great help to develop. I’ll save it for later, because I need to make my parameter method work in my webapi and it is not.

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