Is there any way to bring information from the database without using server side language?


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I was evaluating the website of Zap Imoveis to find out what languages and technologies are used on their website. I use the Wappalyzer, an extension of Google Chrome, which shows the technologies used on any website.

Well, I found that on the said site the Wappalyzer showed no language server side, I took a look at the code with the developer tools in Google Chrome and also didn’t notice anything. The Single framework I realized it was Bootstrap.

I believe some language is needed server side to bring the registered properties of the database to be shown in the frontend, or I’m wrong?

Is there any way to bring the database information on the server to be shown on the site in some other way without using any language server side? Like XML or JSON? And how would it be?

What would be the most efficient way (loading time of a large amount of data to the site pages) to show a large amount of BD data on frontend.

  • If you could connect to the database via client-side, anyone could see the password and have access to your bank.

1 answer


It doesn’t exist. Any computation problem needs to be programmed with a programming language.

In fact the question has arisen because it is using inappropriate tools to perform an activity. You fell for "buy this product and see everyone without clothes". There is no such thing unless the person wanted to be seen without clothes. There are ways to get information from whoever they’re given to, not from who they’re hiding it from.

XML or JSON are not even programming languages. Without a programming language that does this only if the database provides the data ready in this format (without processing anything, comes raw what is already recorded in the database), but anyway it would be foolhardy to give direct access to the database.

  • Got it, Bigow! Very enlightening. But my central question is: I can use XML or JSON to bring up the information from a database?

  • You spent most of the text talking about something else and even that the answer is that you have nothing to do, you go the way everyone else does.

  • 2

    @Hebsonaraujo , XML and JSON are forms of data representation. They can be used as a form of communication between two systems, but still need system on both sides

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