Doubt: how to use python scripts for web?


Viewed 135 times


I want to make a web application that will read colors in RGB logos and create suggestions of color scales for websites.

The algorithm will be in python, using Opencv.

The client moves the image > the image is read by the algorithm > the server returns the results to the client.

My doubts:

  1. How do I communicate the client side with the algorithm? I really have no idea how to structure this.

  2. How do I include the Opencv module in Python on the server? I installed it on my machine, but I would need to install it on the server as well, right? (Consider the use of AWS)

  • 1

    You can already do the processing locally?

  • 1

    Use a framework like Django or flask, see this minimalist example with flask.

  • Python "out of the box" can’t connect to the Web like that. You can implement a web server with it or you can use a framework, just like @Sidon said. I particularly like Django.

  • Thanks! The example in Flask helps a lot, I will check Django also to see what pleases me most. Regarding the issue of Opencv when I publish the app on the web: how I include the module on the server?

1 answer


1 - I would advise you to use some WEB framework like Django, Flask something of the type, so you can program a "website" more easily to upload this image.

2 - Using AWS you can connect via ssh to the machine and install the required packages. It is a good practice to keep your dependencies in a file (Requirements.txt use the Pip Freeze > Requirements.txt command). Heroku for example looks for this file to install the dependencies of your project.

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