I need to perform a dynamic Where, in a Linq to Entities. I researched some solutions but none could accomplish what I need. Until then, I have the following switch:
public TransportadorasGrid ObterTransportadorasBusca(Int32 PageNumber, Int32 PageSize, String NomeTransportadora, Boolean Status, Guid cdUsuario, String Idioma)
TransportadorasGrid Grid = new TransportadorasGrid();
List<Transportadora> Transp = new List<Transportadora>();
Int32 idLoja = Identidade.ObterIdLoja(cdUsuario);
using (IFEcommerce ctx = new IFEcommerce())
ctx.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
Int32 StartLine = PageNumber * PageSize;
Expression<Func<vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras, object>> ExpressionOrdenacao;
String NomeColunaBusca = String.Empty;
switch (Idioma)
case "en-US":
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_EN;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_EN";
case "es-ES":
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_ES;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_ES";
case "fr-FR":
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_FR;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_FR";
case "de-DE":
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_DE;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_DE";
case "it-IT":
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_IT;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_IT";
ExpressionOrdenacao = p => p.Label_Nome_PT;
NomeColunaBusca = "Label_Nome_PT";
//Eu coloquei o NomeProp no where Somente para exemplificar...
List<vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras> tr = ctx.vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras
.Where(u => u.idLoja == idLoja && u.flExcluido == false && NomeProp == NomeTransportadora)
List<tb_Param_TipoAcrescimoDesconto> AcoesAcDesc = ctx
List<ParametroAcrescimoDesconto> Acoes = ObterParametrosAcrescimoDesconto(cdUsuario);
foreach (vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras trnsp in tr)
Transportadora t = new Transportadora();
tb_Param_TipoAcrescimoDesconto Frete = AcoesAcDesc.FirstOrDefault(a => a.idTipoDescontoAcrescimo == trnsp.idTipoDescontoAcrescimoFrete);
tb_Param_TipoAcrescimoDesconto Pedido = AcoesAcDesc.FirstOrDefault(a => a.idTipoDescontoAcrescimo == trnsp.idTipoDescontoAcrescimoPedido);
t.AcaoFrete = Acoes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.CodigoParametro == Frete.cdTipoDescontoAcrescimo);
t.AcaoPedido = Acoes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.CodigoParametro == Pedido.cdTipoDescontoAcrescimo);
t.CodigoTransportadora = trnsp.cdTransportadora;
t.LabelInformacoes = trnsp.lbInformacoes;
t.LabelNomeExibicao = trnsp.lbNomeExibicao;
t.Traducoes = new List<TraducoesLabel>();
t.ValorFrete = trnsp.vlDescontoAcrescimoFrete;
t.ValorPedido = trnsp.vlDescontoAcrescimoPedido;
t.Status = trnsp.flStatus;
Grid.Transportadoras = Transp;
Int32 Count = ctx.vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras.Count(u => u.idLoja == idLoja && u.flExcluido == false);
Grid.Count = Count;
catch (Exception Exc)
return Grid;
So far Ok. But I need to filter the column selected by the switch. (I put Propname in Where only to illustrate)
List<vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras> tr = ctx.vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras
.Where(u => u.idLoja == idLoja && u.flExcluido == false && NomeProp == NomeTransportadora)
I tried using the code below but apparently works only with LINQ to Objects.
List<vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras> tr = ctx.vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransportadoras
.Where(u => u.idLoja == idLoja && u.flExcluido == false && u.GetType().GetProperty(NomeProp).GetValue(u, null) == NomeTransportadora)
Some light ?
Language comes from where?
– novic
Language is a String that comes in the Method signature.
– Julio Soares
?– novic
No... Expressionsorting I use for Orderby... (defined on line 1, before switch: Expression<Func<vw_Painel_FretesLoja_GridTransporters, Object>> Expressionsorting;).. He’s just a System.Linq.Expression
– Julio Soares
Well let’s see if I understand now, where has to depend on Swith to work?
– novic
Yes. according to the language chosen on the switch, I must use a certain property in Where (or Label_name_en, or Label_name_es or Label_name_pt, etc).
– Julio Soares
Another question is who passes this value for example
because then I would create an extension method making the two solutions!– novic
It comes in the signature of the method... public Transportationrasgrid Obtenrasbusca(Int32 Pagenumber, Int32 Pagesize, String Carrier, Boolean Status, Guid cdUsuario, String Language).. is just a string that contains one of the values inside the switch
– Julio Soares
So please put all this in your question, there is no way to know if you do not post everything we need to know to answer a certain question! Okay? If you could?
– novic
Sure.. I edited the question @Virgulio Novic.
– Julio Soares
Take a test if there’s a mistake and tell me!
– novic