Problem with hashlib


Viewed 180 times


I have a problem to use the python hashlib, because I am comparing the hashs generated with the line below, with the hashs generated on the site : '', but when comparing the results I see that they are different.

Code used to generate hashs:

def encoding(hash_test):
    return hashlib.sha512(bytes(hash_test, encoding='UTF-16LE')).hexdigest()

Note: I based on the python documentation code( to mount this.

Hash generated by code:


Hash generated by the site:


Note: I used in both site and code the word 'test' (no áspas) to generate the hashes.

What’s wrong with the code so the results are different ?

1 answer



import hashlib

def hash_sha512( text ):
    return hashlib.sha512( text.encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest()

print hash_sha512( "teste" )



  • When using this code python returns a 'Typeerror', and says that Unicode-objects must be encoded before passing through the hash algorithm. Note: in python there is no need for ';', at the end of the lines.

  • @Gabriel: Response edited.

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