Automatic line filling in datagridwier


Viewed 69 times


Good afternoon. I need help, I have a datagridwier and in it I have a column where I type in a product code. Now I need that when the user enters the code of a product in the cell of the code column to enter it fill the product field and also the batch combobox with data from a select I bring from the database. How can I do that?

follows below the screen of my datagridwier inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Sqlconnection conex = new Sqlconnection(Properties.settings.Default.Dadosadvconnectionstring); Sqlcommand command = null; public frmSoliciatcaAmostraPic() { InitializeComponent(); }

    private void lbl_email_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (txt_codcli.Text != "")

            SqlCommand comando = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT 
                                 SA.A1_NREDUZ AS CLIENTE, 
                                 +'(' + SA.A1_DDD + ')' + ' ' + SA.A1_TEL AS TELEFONE, 
                                 SA.A1_CEP AS CEP,
                                 SA.A1_END AS ENDERECO,
                                 SA.A1_BAIRRO AS BAIRRO,
                                 SA.A1_MUN AS CIDADE,
                                 SA.A1_EST AS ESTADO,
                                 CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST(SA.A1_DTNASC AS DATE), 103) AS DATA
                            FROM SA1010 AS SA
                            WHERE SA.A1_COD = '" + txt_codcli.Text + "'", conex);
            comando.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            SqlDataReader dr = comando.ExecuteReader();
            while (dr.Read())
                txt_cliente.Text          = dr["CLIENTE"].ToString();
                txt_telefone.Text         = dr["TELEFONE"].ToString();
                txt_cep.Text              = dr["CEP"].ToString();
                txt_endereco.Text         = dr["ENDERECO"].ToString();
                txt_bairro.Text           = dr["BAIRRO"].ToString();
                txt_cidade.Text           = dr["CIDADE"].ToString();
                txt_uf.Text               = dr["ESTADO"].ToString();
                txt_dtcadastro.Text       = dr["DATA"].ToString();
            MessageBox.Show("Código do cliente invalido, por favor digitar um código de clinete válido");


1 answer


Good afternoon, I think if you put part of the code would help a lot, but I have a similar project, but I feed the Grid with an Array that I receive from a Webservices, I will put the code below.

         // o Registro contem dada dado concatenado e separado por ";"   
        for (int i = 0; i < registros; i++)

            var metadadoscort = ListRegistros[i + 1];
            var Listametadados = metadadoscort.Split(';');

            var permissao = "";
            if (Listametadados[10].Equals("M"))
                permissao = "Modificar";
            else if (Listametadados[10].Equals("R"))
                permissao = "Remover";
                permissao = "Leitura";
             // Em vez de vc colocar "Listametadados[]" vc vai colocar o campos da tabela.
            dataGridPermissoes.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = Listametadados[2];
            dataGridPermissoes.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = Listametadados[4];
            dataGridPermissoes.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = Listametadados[6];
            dataGridPermissoes.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = Listametadados[8];
            dataGridPermissoes.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value = permissao;
  • Sorry, I just put the code in the question. So what you want is accurate and when I type the code of a product on the grid it already fills the columns automatically.I was thinking of using Keydown in the cell content, it is possible?

  • Let me see if I understand, you want in the Datagrid code column the user type a code and when I leave the cell run a query and bring the results?

  • That’s right, when you leave the cell run a select where or bring the product name and the lot and fill in the datagrid

  • 1

    Renan solved the problem by changing the type of insertion on the grid, I created the fields that I need to be filled in on the grid then created an Insert button that enters the data on the grid. But thank you very much for your attention.

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