Difference between table, Entity and behavior


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What’s the difference between table, Entity and behavior in the context of Model? For example, I have a table called module, I want to make a query like this

$modulo = TableRegistry::get('Modulo');
    $resultado = $modulo ->find()
        ->select(['Modulo.Id_Modulo', 'Modulo.Nome_Modulo'])
        ->where(['Modulo.Id_Modulo => $idModulo])

In which class should I put this code snippet?

2 answers


What is the difference between table, Entity and behavior in the context of the Model?

While Table is responsible for accessing and representing a collection of objects, a Entity represents a unique object of this collection.

The behavior, as its literal translation says, it is a behavior that can be extended to your Model, attributing common behaviors to other models. It is similar to Traits.

In which class should I put this code snippet?

As per its own documentation says:

In Cakephp your application domain model is divided into 2 types of main objects. The first ones are repositories (repositories) or table Objects (table objects). These objects provide access to data collections. They allow you to save new records, modify/delete existing ones, define relationships, and perform mass operations. The second type of objects are the entities (entities). Entities represent individual records and allow the you define line/record level behavior and functionalities.


namespace App\Model\Modulo;

use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

class ModuloTable extends Table
    public getAllModuloAcao($idModulo)
        $modulo = TableRegistry::get('Modulo');
        return $modulo ->find()
        ->select(['Modulo.Id_Modulo', 'Modulo.Nome_Modulo'])
        ->where(['Modulo.Id_Modulo' => $idModulo])


Trying to simplify:

Table represents a table.

Entity represents only one record. Password handling, which handles a user record is done in the Entity class.

Behavior is to the model what the Component is to the Controller. Behavior is to complete the Model.

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