Limit number in input box


Viewed 142 times


I wanted to know how I limit the maximum number before and after the point.

Like, make it 3 numbers before the dot and 2 numbers after. How do I do this?


function soma() 
form.campo4.value = parseInt(form.campo1.value*1) * parseInt(form.campo2.value*1) 
<script type="text/javascript">
 $("#demo4").maskMoney({symbol:'R$ ', 
showSymbol:true, thousands:'', decimal:'.', symbolStay: false});

 $(function() {
   $(document).on('click', 'input[value][id=demo4]', function() {;

 $("#demo4").bind('input propertychange', function(){
    if($(this).val() > 4){
         $(this).val() = 4;
    }else if($(this).val() < 1){
         $(this).val() = 1;
  • See the answer. If you enable "R$", you need to limit the field to 9 characters.

  • Dvdsamm as I do to put so in the input that I will put the value I want when typing the value from 1 to 99 ]

1 answer


Boot maxlength="9" in the input you want to do this.

With this, the field will not receive more than 5 characters typed (already with the decimal point and the symbol "R$ ").

Example: R$ 200.00

  • Dvdsamm as I do to put so in the input I go by the value I want when typing the value from 1 to 99 it multiply by [ 20 ] and when it is greater than 100 it multiply by [ 23 ]

  • @Andréjunior When do you want this to happen? When to move out of the field (Blur)?

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