List in PHP using Next and Previous


Viewed 94 times


I have a system of next and previous with zoom What I want is that when I click on next or previous product change by ID from the Bank. and in the zoom show the zoom of the image that is on the page. because I’m facing problems.

Nesse Modelo

I’m using it to present it like this:

<!-- /Grid-->
<section class="slider">
<div class="slide slide--current" data-content="content-<?php echo $rows_cursos['id']; ?>">
<div class="slide__mover">
<div class="zoomer flex-center">
<img class="zoomer__image" src="foto/<?php  echo $rows_cursos['arquivo'] ?>" alt=""  style="width:80%;height:80%;"/>
<div class="preview">
<img src="" alt="" />
<div class="zoomer__area zoomer__area--size-2"></div>
<h2 class="slide__title"><span><?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_nome'] ?></span><?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_fabricante'] ?></h2>

<!-- /Menus-->
<nav class="slider__nav">
<button class="button button--nav-prev"><i class="icon icon--arrow-left"></i><span class="text-hidden">Previous product</span></button>
<button class="button button--zoom"><i class="icon icon--zoom"></i><span class="text-hidden">View details</span></button>
<button class="button button--nav-next"><i class="icon icon--arrow-right"></i><span class="text-hidden">Next product</span></button>
<!-- /slider-->
<section class="content">
<div class="content__item" id="content-<?php echo $rows_cursos['id']; ?>">
<img class="content__item-img rounded-right" src="foto/<?php  echo $rows_cursos['arquivo'] ?>" alt="Apple Watch Content" />
<div class="content__item-inner">
<h2><?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_nome'] ?></h2>
<h3><?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_fabricante'] ?></h3>
<p><?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_desc'] ?></p>
<h3><a href="#"> <?php  echo $rows_cursos['prod_preco'] ?></a></h3>
<button class="button button--close"><i class="icon icon--circle-cross"></i><span class="text-hidden">Close</span></button>

  • "because I am facing problems".... What problem?

  • in this list he is returning me only the first product of the bank in the next and Prev he does not pass to the other products of the bank. but if I zoom in it overwrites the product with the second product of the bank. as in this test :

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