Open window 1 single time


Viewed 50 times


I’m hoping that by clicking on the page a window opens and I’m using this code

document.onclick = function( e ){

function myFunction() {"", "_blank", "toolbar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=1, left=1, width=1, height=1");

But it opens every time and clicked on the window wanted it to run a single time and then comes back to run only if the window was reloaded

2 answers


This is simple to declare a variable at the beginning type var click = false and when the person clicks you put this variable to true and put a if statement to check if the variable is false, if it is, open the window. And when reloading the page the variable will go back to false.


Put a control variable with the name of status, example:


    var status = 0;
    document.onclick = function( e )

    function myFunction() 
        if (status == 0) 
  "", "_blank", 
       "toolbar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=1, left=1, width=1, height=1");
        status = 1;


or even in the documento.onClick arrow to null after the first execution:


    document.onclick = function(e) 

    function myFunction() 
    {"", "_blank",
    "toolbar=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, top=1, left=1, width=1, height=1");

       document.onclick = null; // anulando na próxima execução.


Reference: Globaleventhandlers.onclick

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