Error "Fatal error: Class 'Phpunit_framework_testcase' not found"


Viewed 1,786 times


Good evening, I just installed phpunit by a.phar file and adding the path in windows but when I run the tests it returns me the following error:

Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in C:\wamp64\www\QuebraLinha\test\CasoTeste.php on line 6

The test class I’m using is this:


require_once("../TextWrapExerciseInterface.class.php"); //Classe Interface fornecida pela Galoa
require_once("../QuebraLinha.class.php"); //Classe criada para implementar a classe Interface

class QuebraLinhaTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

  function test01(){  //Confirma se o retorno é um array
    $q = new QuebraLinha();
    $returnTest = array();
    $this->assertInternalType('array', $q->textWrap("Isso é um teste", 5));



I am not using any autoloader in the project. Since I thank you

1 answer


The namespace "simulated" PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase is "only" for version 5.7 of Phpunit

In phpunit version 6.3 the correct namespace is PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase (which now uses real namespaces and no longer simulated).

So your code should look like this:


require_once("../TextWrapExerciseInterface.class.php"); //Classe Interface fornecida pela Galoa
require_once("../QuebraLinha.class.php"); //Classe criada para implementar a classe Interface

class QuebraLinhaTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
    public function test01()
        $q = new QuebraLinha();
        $returnTest = array();
        $this->assertInternalType('array', $q->textWrap("Isso é um teste", 5));
  • 1

    It worked really well thank you

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