What is Hungarian Notation?


Viewed 131 times


I was reading an article about development and the same was talking about this notation. I would like to know the definition and whether it is important to use it in the development of programmes.

  • interesting, I did not. I will search more but I found the explanation of wikipedia cool (https://goo.gl/2gY5rv)

  • 2
  • @rray can change the title of the other? I searched here on the site and would never find so

  • 1

    Before posting it was the first result when searching for the term: https://answall.com/search?q=nota%C3%A7%C3%A3o+h%C3%Bangara

  • @bigown may have been the way I sought not only typed Hungarian notation but the whole term equal asked in the question, thank you :D

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