Using Ipagedlist with multiple results


Viewed 141 times


I am using Ipagedlist to list results in my application. But I’m trying to solve a problem: When I get a lot of results, going to the controller function to read the results from another page gets heavy. In other words, when I am loading my View I am sending a list of data that I am dealing with with Ipagedlist to make paging, now when I change page I do not want you to go back to the controller to load the list again when I change page (gets computationally heavy...).

What I’ve already tried?

When doing the query to fetch the list I used the Skip and the Take to fetch only the results to be displayed on the page (it always comes to the controller every time I change the page):

int from = Convert.ToInt32(page) * pageSize;
int to = from + pageSize;

terceiros = terceiros.Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial))).Skip(from).Take(to).ToList();

With this solution you don’t calculate the total number of pages and instead of placing all pages of results you only have 1 page (which is the one I’m sending on top).

How can I get around this?

Full function:

public ActionResult listaFornSemCertISCC(int? page) {
        int pageSize = 20;
        int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

        ARTSOFT.dal.ViewModels.GetDadosComerciais dbArt = new ARTSOFT.dal.ViewModels.GetDadosComerciais();
        var terceiros = dbArt.getListaFornecedoresDados();
        var fornComCert = db.AutoDeclaracoesCertISCC;

        int from = Convert.ToInt32(page) * pageSize;
        int to = from + pageSize;

        terceiros = terceiros.Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial))).Skip(from).Take(to).ToList();

        return PartialView(terceiros.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize));

getListaFornecedoresDados is a list:

public List<FornecedorCViewModel> getListaFornecedoresDados()
        { db.Open();
        //string SQLstr = "select fornumero,ternome,terfilial from TERFCH where clinumero >0";
        string SQLstr = "select fornumero,ternome,terfilial, TerNrIDFisc, DivNrFicha, TerMorada, TerLocalid, TerCPPais, TerTelef, TerTlmBip, TerFax, TerCPPais, TerTelef, TerEmail, ForCodZona, paiscod from TERFCH where terfilial = 0 AND ForNumero > 0 AND DivNrFicha != 1 AND DivNrFicha != 2 AND fornumero<>0 and Forsituac=0";
        DataTable _ret = new DataTable();
        PsqlCommand cmd = new PsqlCommand(SQLstr, db);
        PsqlDataAdapter _oDataAdapter = new PsqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        List<FornecedorCViewModel> _lista = new List<FornecedorCViewModel>();
        foreach (DataRow row in _ret.Rows)
            _lista.Add(new FornecedorCViewModel(int.Parse(row["fornumero"].ToString()), row["ternome"].ToString(), int.Parse(row["terfilial"].ToString()),
                row["TerNrIDFisc"].ToString(), int.Parse(row["DivNrFicha"].ToString()), row["TerMorada"].ToString(),
                row["TerLocalid"].ToString(), row["TerCPPais"].ToString(), row["TerTelef"].ToString(), row["TerTlmBip"].ToString(),
                row["TerFax"].ToString(), row["TerEmail"].ToString(), int.Parse(row["ForCodZona"].ToString()), int.Parse(row["paiscod"].ToString())
        return _lista; }
  • 1

    edited function.

1 answer


Do this optimization:

Ta so:

terceiros = terceiros
     .Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial)))

Put it like this

terceiros = terceiros
      .Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial)));

Or Even

public ActionResult listaFornSemCertISCC(int? page) 
    int pageSize = 20;
    int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

    ARTSOFT.dal.ViewModels.GetDadosComerciais dbArt = new ARTSOFT.dal.ViewModels.GetDadosComerciais();
    var terceiros = dbArt.getListaFornecedoresDados();
    var fornComCert = db.AutoDeclaracoesCertISCC;

    int from = Convert.ToInt32(page) * pageSize;
    int to = from + pageSize;

    terceiros = terceiros
        .Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial)))            
        .ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);

    return PartialView(terceiros);


If you give a ToList() and keeps working in memory with the data that degrades considerably, so send the SQL generate all and then show.

An Observation relevant to your code

That line does what dbArt.getListaFornecedoresDados();, generates a ToList() if it is also degrades, already begins the error there. And this fornComCert = db.AutoDeclaracoesCertISCC. Here are the problems of your generation!!! Something else when you wear ToPageList don’t need to use Skip nor Take it does this for you in SQL inclusive

  • This optimization really works, but for a listing with about 7000 records it is still slow. Because every time I switch pages it comes to load the list again

  • No....! Topagedlist optimizes this... for me still has a method dbArt.getListaFornecedoresDados() you’re doing something wrong, there’s one thing also take Kip and take that Topageglist makes for you

  • @Cesarmiguel has a neck in his way with that List<FornecedorCViewModel> getListaFornecedoresDados() as I had thought !!!!!!!!

  • yeah, that one dbArt.getListaFornecedoresDados() is going to fetch data from an external database (I edited the post). I already took the Skip and the Take otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to present all the results, and I created a new variable to not do the .ToList(), getting: var result = terceiros.Where(k => !(fornComCert.Any(l => l.IdForn == k.IdFornecedor && l.IdFilialForn == k.IdFilial))).ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);

  • I understood @Cesarmiguel the problem so this outside that there will be slow even, there is no solution in this case, if you will have to use as it is in the first its same form, I thought it was all on the same basis! as now explained there is really no way.

  • Right... There is no way to circumvent the search results of a page by javascript and instead go to the controller to fetch the next elements? That’s why I tried to use the Skip and the Take, but so always went to the controller and since Return did not return all the elements of the list would lose the data to calculate the total number of pages.

  • Either you use a Take and Skip or Topagelist because they do it for you in the same way. If you put the two one undoes the other. The way it is this way the data will be slow mainly by the amount of record you told me. But every now and then it’s better to bring than not bring think like that

  • 1

    Exactly. Thank you for the clarification ;)

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