How to create a function to go to another tab in IONIC?


Viewed 800 times


Is there a function that allows me to go to a particular application tab in Ionic? Assuming I have that tab organization:

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-positive">

        <ion-tab title="Home" icon="ion-home" href="#/tab/home">
          <ion-nav-view name="home-tab"></ion-nav-view>

        <ion-tab title="About" icon="ion-ios-information" href="#/tab/about">
          <ion-nav-view name="about-tab"></ion-nav-view>

        <ion-tab title="Contact" icon="ion-ios-world" ui-sref="">
          <ion-nav-view name="contact-tab"></ion-nav-view>

1 answer


In his html you use:

(click)="home()" ao invés de href

Inside the archive .TS

home (){


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