Reports in a web application


Viewed 488 times


I am developing a web application and I am in need of a help in the generation of reports , I am new and do not know what is the best tool for generating reports, if and through a Framework , libraries in angula-JS, Javascript or java; with I am new in the area I would like to know what the best practice and tools to implement reports, my project has the following technologies , Spring-Boot , Spring-Securit , Java, Angular-js , jquery, HTML5 and Hibernate.

  • Report? from what? from where? be more specific please

  • could be both back-end and font-end; more as I am new and with little experience I would like to know the best way to implement. A hint of who has more experience. I will edit the question.

  • There is no specific thing, Voce can use PHP (or any Back-End language), and also can do it on the Front side. Javascript type. Just choose and see which Voce is best.

  • Man, you can use pretty much anything. This depends a lot on the project you’re working on and your skills with this sort of thing. As it stands, your question is very general, comprehensive and opinionated.

1 answer



Here at my company, we have developed a very complex ERP system. Part of this system is very rich in reports of varying degrees of information complexity. The tool we chose to use in creating and generating reports was Birt. I don’t know if it will be very useful for you, because here in the company the Cases that interact with Birt are all in PHP, this is our backend. Birt has some annoying problems, like changing the connection of the bank that he will consult to generate the report and everything, but nothing that disables the tool.

In this link you will find the basic information of the tool:


It is worth mentioning that Birt is a tool until well diffused, and for this reason you find solutions to problems, tips and tutorials without much difficulty.

I hope I helped, good luck!

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