How to avoid the repetition of requires?


Viewed 115 times


I have this code that makes the includes:

require_once "lib/conexao.php";
require_once "lib/functions.utilities.php";
require_once "lib/class.User.php";
$usr = new User(conectar());

But right now, I need to do a client part and I need to keep putting the ../?

require_once "../lib/conexao.php";
require_once "../lib/functions.utilities.php";
require_once "../lib/class.User.php";
$usr = new User(conectar());

Could I tell him to look straight at the include without putting ../?

  • Ever thought of an autoloader ?

  • When you have a time, search on Composer. Composer do all this work to include the files you need.

4 answers


If I’m wrong, I’m sorry, but I suppose autoload() will do what you intend to elaborate, a simple example would be this below:


//jeito moderno
spl_autoload_register(function ($class){
    if(file_exists($class. '.class.php')){
        require_once($class. '.class.php');

$obj = new autoload2();

echo "A cor da bola é: ".$obj->getCor();

echo "<br>";




class autoload2{

    private $cor;

    public function setCor($c){
        $this->cor = $c;

    public function getCor(){
        return $this->cor;


This is an example I have here on my computer.


I don’t think it’s necessary spl_autoloader for something so commonplace, much less PSR, after all is not trying to load classes based on namespaces, in fact I believe that one of the includes is not even a class.

So I would say just create a file called global.php and in it add everything you need, this way you would need to use the require_once only once for each document, for example:


require_once "lib/conexao.php";
require_once "lib/functions.utilities.php";
require_once "lib/class.User.php";
$usr = new User(conectar());

Then in both parts I would add only this:

require_once 'global.php';


require_once '../global.php';

If you’re going to use spl_autoloader I recommend standardizing by following the namespaces and the PSR-4, as I explained in:

You can use the composer also, but not necessary, the advantage of the composer is more about being able to use third-party libraries easily in your projects.

  • 2

    Interesting and very simple your solution to something so trivial. Taking advantage, is there a gain/loss (that is not insignificant) using this way instead of using everything manually? Taking away the need to repeat.

  • @Uzumakiartanis I don’t even know if I used the word trivial at the right time, or if it was appropriate, maybe writing "something simple" would sound better? :P

  • 1

    Maybe common/simple/everyday is your word. Although, I think it was well used trivial.

  • @Uzumakiartanis "ordinary" :)


It’s not the best way to do it, I think it’s bad practice to do it, but you can create a file called "includes.php". In this file you give the require_once() of all the files you need. Once you’ve done this, you go into the client part and only one require_once() do "includes.php".


You can use the Composer.

You can create a file composer.json so at the root of the project:

    "require": {},

    "autoload" : {
        "psr-4" : {
            ""  : "src"

Where "" would be the namespace. However as it is not used, I left blank. "src" would be the root folder of the classes.



The content of the class MinhaClasse.php, has the following content:

class MinhaClasse

    public static function metodo()
        echo 'método chamado', PHP_EOL;

Then run the following command:

 composer dump


php composer.phar dump

A briefcase vendor will be generated. Then just apondar a single include to the file vendor/autoload.php, that everything will work. See:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


The process is not difficult, I did exactly this test with less than 10 minutes and configured this example

Note: You can use the command composer init to generate the Composer.json file faster and easier.

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