Automate sequential file opening?


Viewed 53 times


I want to open several binary Java files at once, but I don’t want to instantiate them all manually this way as follows in example. Is there an automatic way, or a method so I can speed this up?


File arquivo  = new File("temp0.bin");
FileInputStream fis0  = new FileInputStream(arquivo);
DataInputStream dis0  = new DataInputStream(fis0);

arquivo  = new File("temp1.bin");
FileInputStream fis1  = new FileInputStream(arquivo);
DataInputStream dis1  = new DataInputStream(fis1);

arquivo  = new File("temp2.bin");
FileInputStream fis2  = new FileInputStream(arquivo);
DataInputStream dis2  = new DataInputStream(fis2);

arquivo  = new File("temp3.bin");
FileInputStream fis3  = new FileInputStream(arquivo);
DataInputStream dis3  = new DataInputStream(fis3);
  • Wesley, no need to quote the language in the title, since the question already has the tag, it is redundant.

  • First time here, I’ll get the hang of it yet.

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2 answers



ArrayList<File> arquivo = new ArrayList<File>();
ArrayList<FileInputStream> fis = new ArrayList<FileInputStream>();
ArrayList<DataInputStream> dis = new ArrayList<DataInputStream>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    arquivo.add(new File("temp" + i.toString() + ".bin");
    fis.add(new FileInputStream(arquivo));
    dis.add(new DataInputStream(fis0));

I put in the Github for future reference.

Whenever you need to vary something use a variable. Whenever there is a repetition use a loop while or for. If you need to maintain multiple states use one array or a list.

  • So I could even do this but I need all the files opened, so in case I’m not mistaken, dis0 will be associated only with the last file.

  • So? You can do better than this, but it depends on more advanced things that you should not yet know.

  • Give your mess so I tell you if I know about it or not, but then what your idea an arraylist of Datainputstream, I’ve been thinking about it I’m just not sure if it’s viable.

  • Obs: when I was typing you updated!.

  • In this case I think I only need the Data input Arraylist, the other values are expendable, so there is no need to persist them.

  • I think several things can be done but your example and description of the problem is very limited, so I can’t do the way I would because it might not suit your case.

  • So vlw, that will be enough for me to solve my problem.

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Something like that? It is possible from Java 7:

File raiz = new File("/home/usuario/Documents/files/");
File[] files = raiz.listFiles();

for (File file : files) {
  if(file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".bin")){
   //   ...

In java 8 you can still use Ambdas if you want to:

    path -> path.toString().endsWith(".bin"))
  • No my problem can be solved with the same arraylist, anonymous functions are cool, however java not used yet also does not leave the code very readable, only in Haskell that I used more. But vlw for your contribution.

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