I know there is a lot of Post on how to read a file XML
, but I didn’t find any that present the XML
with the same structure I have.
I have the following Code.
private void LeituraXML()
//Criando objeto xml para abrir o arquivo de configuração
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
//Informando o caminho onde esta salvo o arquivo xml
string cadastro = @"C:\Users\Dell\Documents\Tipo_Documentos.xml";
XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.SelectNodes("data");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodelist)
string teste1 = node.SelectSingleNode("tipo").InnerText;
string teste2 = node.SelectSingleNode("metadata").InnerText;
and with the XML
<tipo codigo="7" name="Comprovante de Endereço">
<metadata name="numero_documento" required="false" type="string" max_length="255"/>
<metadata name="protocolo_processo" required="false" type="string" max_length="255"/>
<metadata name="assunto" required="false" type="string" max_length="800"/>
<metadata name="interessado" required="false" type="string" max_length="255"/>
<metadata name="observacao" required="false" type="string" max_length="255"/>
<metadata name="data_documento" required="true" type="date_time"/>
<metadata name="login_autor" required="true" type="string" max_length="50"/>
I need to add in variables the code and the name
of Tags <tipo>
and the tag <metadata>
I just need the name
your xml is just that?
– novic