How to present app in full screen / fullscreen on Windows Phone 8.1?


Viewed 474 times


I want my application to run in full screen mode.

I have tried using the codes below, however, are giving some errors.

The code is not recognized by the emulator:


"Systemtray" does not exist in the current context:

private void OnPhoneApplicationPageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
   SystemTray.IsVisible = false;

How should I do?

  • 1

    I have an example that the screen resizes according to the position of the phone. I believe your question is!!!

  • 1

    In windows 8.1 which overrides the use of: Systemtray.Isvisible = false; ??

1 answer


  • 1

    If you want to show only one of the items in the Satatus Toolbar? As only the hours for example

  • Do the following @Anderson, open a new question and put in your question your current code, it helps more people help and then I give you an answer too, because, I can’t visualize such doubt, I don’t know if you understand me in this aspect.

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