Refresh Listview Android with SQL Server


Viewed 61 times


I’m making an application where I have two activities: One that will show users who have been registered in a ListView, and another that will make it possible to execute the CRUD.

I have a problem with how to do a refresh every time I insert, update or delete a data in Activity 2 (the one that registers). How should I proceed in this case?

Below the code of the Filllist class that fills the ListView:

    public class FillList extends AsyncTask <String,String,String> {
    String z="";

    List<Map<String, String>> prolist = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();

    @Override protected void onPreExecute()

    @Override protected  void onPostExecute(String r){
        //Toast.makeText(MegaPermanentes_Usuarios.this, r, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        String[] from = {"A", "B"};
        int[] views = {,};
        final SimpleAdapter ADA = new SimpleAdapter(MegaPermanentes_Usuarios.this, prolist, R.layout.lsttemplate, from, views);


    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

            Connection con = connectionClass.connectionclass();
            if(con == null){
                z = "Conexão falhou";
                String query = "select nome,endereco from usuarios";
                PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(query);
                ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

                    Map<String, String> datanum = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    datanum.put("A", rs.getString ("Nome"));
                    datanum.put("B", rs.getString("Endereco"));
        }catch (Exception ex)
            z = "Error Retrieving Data";
        return z;

The insertion part of the other Activity, follows below:

    public class AddInfo extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>{

    Boolean isSucess = false;
    String infoName = editName.getText().toString();
    String infoDocu = editDocument.getText().toString();

    protected  void onPreExecute()

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
        String z = "";
        if(infoName.trim().equals("") || infoDocu.trim().equals(""))
            Toast.makeText(MegaPermanentes.this, "Por favor digite um nome e um documento", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                Connection con = connectionClass.connectionclass();
                if (con == null){
                    Toast.makeText(MegaPermanentes.this, "Verifique sua conexão", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
                    String query = "insert into usuarios (nome,endereco) values ('" + infoName + "','" +infoDocu + "')";
                    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = con.prepareStatement(query);
                    z = "Cadastro inserido com sucesso";
            }catch( Exception ex){
                Toast.makeText(MegaPermanentes.this, "ex" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

        return z;

    protected void onPostExecute(String result)

        Toast.makeText(MegaPermanentes.this, result, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);


  • Is it an external (sqlite) or internal bank? Where is the part you insert?! or delete?

  • @white. It is an external database (Sql Server), I will edit the post with the insert class.

  • Could upload the list to onResume from the first Activity.

  • @Andréozawa then I create a method onResume and put the part to fill the list?

  • Yeah. It’s actually gonna be about writing protected void onResume() { . It is a quick way to implement. If you prefer not to reload the list, you can return the changed object, and then make the manipulation of the list.

  • Could you show me what the code would look like? I still don’t understand what you said, excuse me

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1 answer


onResume is executed after onStart, that may come after onCreate or onRestart, depends on the state of the activity. I recommend a look at Activity’s life cycle. It would be something like:

public class PrimeiraActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    //... code

    protected void onResume() {

        // carregar lista. Ex.: fillListAsyncTask.execute();

Whereas when inserting, updating or deleting a data in Activity 2, it is being finalized.

  • So this method will always run when I go back to Activity? (I’ve seen a part of the Cycle of an Activity.) Forgive me, I’m still learning about Android and Java.

  • Thank you very much André, it worked out here! I had another logic in mind, but this was more practical ;)

  • Yes, it will always perform. Quiet, the important thing is to always be learning. Good @Matheusarduino, I hope to have helped, if helped could set as answer? It may be useful to others too.

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