recover text from onmouseover statusbar


Viewed 56 times


It is possible to recover text from status bar? on Windows.Form on VB6 could. I wonder if in C# it would be possible

1 answer


Put in your form one Statusstrip and create in it a Statuslabel equal figure below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Select the Statuslabel and goes in the guide Events and a Double Click to create the event:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After he creates the event make the following code:

private void toolStripStatusLabel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    LblRecuperando.Text = toolStripStatusLabel1.Text;


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Passing the mouse over the text of Statuslabel it will show in a component Label the same text.


  • show, thanks for the answer, would you know if it is possible now tb do on the web? ie, passed the mouse by a url I recover the query mounted ?

  • pq will be making a form that opens a component browser and would need to tb recover the url that is mounted by a third party website. as the url is mounted via javascript there is no way I can read the content of the site to get the value

  • 1

    @Dorathoto if you can open another question demonstrating this new doubt, is very interesting, but in my experience here is already another doubt. Can it be ? (I hope you don’t get upset) , there are more people to solve including me ... rsrsrsrsrs)

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