Ionic 3 queries using Angularfire2


Viewed 583 times


I’m trying to perform a search with Ionic 3 + Angularfire2. I have a list of all the data from firebase, but I can’t filter this data, it does not return me anything.


import { AngularFireDatabase, FirebaseListObservable } from 'angularfire2/database';

dashboardData: FirebaseListObservable<any>;

constructor(private afDatabase:     AngularFireDatabase) {

  this.dashboardData = this.afDatabase.list('/motoristas');

getRota(rota: string){
this.dashboardData = this.afDatabase.list('motoristas', {
  query: {
    orderByChild: 'rota',
    equalTo: rota

file . html

        <ion-select [(ngModel)]="rota" (ionChange)="getRota(rota)">
            <ion-option value="Caruaru">Caruaru</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="Belo Jardim">Belo Jardim</ion-option>

    <ion-item *ngFor="let motorista of dashboardData | async" (click)="showOptions(country.$key, country.nomeMotorista)">

        <ion-thumbnail item-start>
            <img src="./assets/img/icon.svg">
        <h2>{{ motorista.nomeMotorista }}</h2>
        <p> {{ motorista.rota }} </p>
        <button ion-button clear item-end color="outro"> <ion-icon ios="ios-people" md="md-people"> {{ motorista.numPassageiros }} </ion-icon></button>

I have no return.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Hello, Friend could show you how this your bank:

'Cause that’s how I search:

 private PATH = 'produtos/'

get (key: string ){
return this.db.list(this.PATH, ref => ref.orderByChild('codigo').equalTo(key))
  .map (Changes => {
    return => ({
       key: p.payload.key, ...p.payload.val()}));

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