Read Json without "knowing" the JAVA keys


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The problem is that I need to inform the professions and wanted it to be automatic to read the json without having to inform ocup[1] = "jornalista". I would like the json reading to be automatic.

  "profissao": {
    "jornalista": [
    "programador": [
    "maquinista": [

My code is this

JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;

JSONObject locs = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("profissao");
String[] ocup = new String[4];
ocup[0] = "jornalista";
ocup[1] = "programador";
ocup[2] = "maquinista";

ArrayList respostas = new ArrayList();

Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
String v;
int cont = 0;
while(cont < ocup.length){
    JSONArray jorn = (JSONArray) locs.get(ocup[cont]);

    int y= 0;
     while(y < jorn.size()){
            String name = jorn.get(y).toString();
            System.out.println("digite s ou n você é "+name);
            v = scan.nextLine();
            if(v.equals("s")) {


  • Your question is a bit confusing. You want to let the user fill in what occupation for you?

  • the user will not fill any occupation simply want to read the json without specifying the keys! the user will not register anything

  • The JSON is in the format you specified and just below the user will add the properties? (writer, cool... etc?)

  • Sorry I’m a little new in this world,

  • the problem is this

  • I need to read the file, go through this json automatically to read it only, I don’t want to register anything in it, I just want to read it understand? the problem is that if I’m going to put one more profession in my json file, I have to go and put it in the ocup[] array, but I think there should be a more shaped way with less work to do this

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1 answer


The class JSONObject has a method called keySet listing the keys to an object:

JSONObject profissoes = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("profissao");

chaves = profissoes.keySet();

for (String chave : chaves) {
  • thanks my partner! tried but no results! Thank you very much he seems to have error in line

  • keys = json.getJSONObject("professional"). keySet();

  • @rodrigogabriel can place the Mports?

  • @rodrigogabriel changed my example to use the same library you are using. Make sure it works for you.

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