Make div height decrease as user decrease screen


Viewed 5,157 times


I have a div and I want it to decrease when the user decreases the screen. I have something similar to the width, I did so: ($(window).width() -320) it takes the total width of the screen and decreases 320px. With the height I do not know how to do.

Someone’s already done it?

For example, I have the div fundo1 and when the user decreases the window, by the browser itself, the div decreases also.

  • Do you want to make a recursive layout right? Have you tried bootstrap ? Com makes it much easier to do these things with his classes.

  • Use a grids system such as 960.Gs or twitter bootstrap...

  • The site is already ready :) I was only asked to make this div decrease after I finished. I mean, I will not use Bootstrap. I’m looking for something in Jquery, only I’m missing the necessary knowledge now.

  • You can do with height relative, via CSS itself:

  • @Beets how? I was trying function resizeFundo1(){
 var telaAltura = $(window).height();
 $('.fundo1img').css({'height': telaAltura + 'px'});
} but it did not happen

  • If you set your div with relative height (height: 90%, for example), she will occupy 90% of the height set on her father.

  • @Beet but that’s not what I need. I need that div decrease as user moves screen size.

  • 1

    Behold this fiddle.

  • Thanks to @Beterraba

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1 answer


You can take a look at the event $.resize ( jquery

Here’s an example I did for you to see how it works


        var winW = $(window).width();
        var winH = $(window).height();
        var divResize = $(".divResize");

        if(winW < 500)
            divResize.css('width', winW);
        if(winH < 500)
            divResize.css('height', winH);


<div class="divResize"></div>


body, html {

.divResize {

In this example when the useful area of the browser is less than 500px it will give a resize according to the screen size.


Should this yours div be a background and occupy 100% (both width and height), there are some tips you may be using.


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