show html page in php


Viewed 220 times


I am making a code in php, after this code perform its action I would like to show another page in html ex:

echo " <a href= 'main.html' > ";

then the page would appear <main.html>. But I do not know how or if possible... I would like a help or indication of how to do it.

  • And what would that action be? Note that headers cannot be sent if this action is output.

3 answers


as already mentioned, headers cannot be sent after the output, so if you do not perform any output, you can use this function to redirect to another page :

header('Location: main.html');


The tag <a> HTML is commonly used to build links: <a href=">Exemplo</a>, not to "show" another HTML page.

The simplest solution to solve this problem is by using the function include() of PHP:


This function will fetch the contents of that page and include it on the current page. Using a header() would only redirect the user by adhering to the fact that headers cannot be sent after output.

  • 1



If you want to make the image appear and you are using database... I know how to do.. your echo has to be like this:

$busca_query = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM tabela WHERE colunanoBD = '$busca'");
while ($dados = mysql_fetch_array($busca_query)) {
echo "<img src='Visual/imagens/$dados[foto]' /></b><br/></a>";

in this case Visual is folder and inside this the image folder and la in the bd in the column you put the image like this > photo.jpg < so this... only the image with extension.

If you want to put one div before the <?php. You can put a style and move with margin left center or right at will by the screen the photo.

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