How to pass parameter for validation/processing in the RUBY view


Viewed 640 times


I’m in deep doubt, I’ll take tips if you see a better option to do what I’m looking for. I have a layout that links to two items in the same view>>

<ul class="nav nav-second-level">
   <%= link_to backoffice_pedidos_path do %>
   <% end %>
    <%= link_to backoffice_pedidos_path do %>
    <% end %>

I want to treat in the view the contents of my select, if it clicks OPEN, it loads the index with a partial _open and if it clicks Finished it loads the index but with another partial _finished. Is there any way to pass some parameter in the link_to so that in the view I can treat it to send to the correct partial? Or any hint as to how it might look?


                        <th>Data/Hora </th>
                        <th>Produtos </th>                    
                        <th> </th>
                  <% if ??
                  <%= render partial: "backoffice/pedidos/abertos" %>
                  else ??
                  <%= render partial: "backoffice/pedidos/finalizados" %>
                  <% end %>

open partial>>

           <% @pedidos_aguardando.each do |pedido| %>
          <!--<th><%=pedido.produtos.first.produto %></th>-->
          <td><%=pedido.produtos.pluck (:produto)%></td>
          <td width="50px">
              <%= link_to edit_backoffice_pedido_path(pedido), class:"btn btn-primary btn-circle" do %>
                <i class="fa fa-edit"></i>
              <% end %>
      <% end %>

Partials closed

           <% @pedidos_finalizados.each do |pedido| %>
          <!--<th><%=pedido.produtos.first.produto %></th>-->
          <td><%=pedido.produtos.pluck (:produto)%></td>
          <td width="50px">
              <%= link_to edit_backoffice_pedido_path(pedido), class:"btn btn-primary btn-circle" do %>
                <i class="fa fa-edit"></i>
              <% end %>
      <% end %>


def index
@pedidos_aguardando = Pedido.waiting
@pedidos_finalizados = Pedido.ok


class Pedido < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :produtos

scope :waiting, -> { where(status: 1) }
scope :ok, -> { where(status: 2) }

Thank you!!

1 answer


You put the parameter in the link:

link_to backoffice_pedidos_path(type: 'open')

this will give you in the controller access to a params[:type]

put this in a variable, remembering to treat the case of the first load, where this parameter will be empty ex:

@tipo = params[:tipo] || 'abertos'

Use the name of the partitals in the parameters, so in the view you do:

<%= render partial: "backoffice/pedidos/#{@tipo}" %>
  • Thank you very much, I had done it differently, so it greatly simplified my code, I had passed a FLAG parameter, and I was dealing with IF in the view. That way, treating in the controller is much better!! Thanks!

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