Recursive function of Insert Nodes


Viewed 453 times


Analyzing other problems, I realized the need to use pointers on certain tree functions. So I set the Insert function to :

Arvore* insereNo (Arvore** A, int chave)

The point is that later, when inserting new nodes, there is a problem regarding the function call :

if (chave < (*A)->chave){
  (*A)->esq = insereNo((*A)->esq, chave);

else {
  (*A)->dir = insereNo((*A)->dir, chave);

How to proceed with the pointers ? I will make the code a little more complete, for better perception (remembering that this is a sketch for red-black tree).

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define PRETO 1
#define VERMELHO 0

struct No {

  int cor;
  int chave;
  struct No* esq, *dir;
  struct No* pai;

} No;

typedef struct No Arvore;


Arvore* insereNo (Arvore** A, int chave){

  struct No* novo = (struct No*)malloc(sizeof(struct No));

  if (novo == NULL){
      return NULL;

  novo->chave = chave;
  novo->esq = NULL;
  novo->dir = NULL;
  novo->cor = VERMELHO;

  if ( *A == NULL){
      *A = novo;
      return *A;

  if ( chave == (*A)->chave){
      return NULL;

  else {

      if (chave < (*A)->chave){
          (*A)->esq = insereNo((*A)->esq, chave);

      else {
          (*A)->dir = insereNo((*A)->dir, chave);

  return (*A);


int main(){

  Arvore* A = NULL;

  insereNo(&A, 10);
  insereNo(&A, 11);


1 answer


It is the following, its function inserts No takes as parameter an address of a pointer, and an integer. So in insereNo((*A)->esq, chave) and insereNo((*A)->dir, chave should be insereNo(&((*A)->esq), chave) and insereNo(&((*A)->dir), chave).

And remember that your function insereNo returns a pointer, so in its main function it must be A = insereNo(&A, 10); and A = insereNo(&A, 11);

Besides, you are doing return (*A) at the end of its function insereNo, this will give Segmentation fault. The correct would be return novo.

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