Individual methods or parameters in Mysql queries?


Viewed 676 times


In certain parts of my system, some selection filters occur, an example, is when selecting the area of general sector collaborators, I can select:

Employees (all)
Active employees (status = true)
Inactive contributors (status = false)

I can do it two ways.

Via parameter in the method:

public static function get_collaborators(string $filter = 'all')
  if($filter == 'all'){
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators';
  } elseif($filter == 'active'){
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators WHERE status = 1';
  } elseif($filter == 'inactive'){
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators WHERE status = 0';
  $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
  return $rs['data'];

Or, Via separate methods:

public static function get_all_collaborators()
  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators';
  $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
  return $rs['data'];

public static function get_active_collaborators()
  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators WHERE status = "1"';
  $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
  return $rs['data'];

public static function get_inactive_collaborators()
  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators WHERE status = "0"';
  $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
  return $rs['data'];

From what I understand, the first mode (with parameters) would perform less because it has checks, so several separate methods would be better.

The question is:

Is there a difference in execution from one to the other ? (even if it is insignificant) If yes, which would be better ? If not, which follows the 'correct pattern' followed by the majority ?

If there is another way, what would it be ?

  • For sure the best is to use a single method that receives parameters, the difference of performance is imperceptible so what ends up weighing more and the question of the organization then use only one method with parameters.

  • 3

    When using PHP, it doesn’t make much sense to worry about tiny performance issues, because PHP itself isn’t designed for performance. In this case, you should choose the form that maintains the semantics and atomicity of your code. In my opinion, being the objective of the three queries to search a list of collaborators, a method with parameters is the best to do.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss said it all.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss I’m trying to gain a little bit of performance in virtually all the most basic resources, to have a slightly higher margin in functions that consume the most, because I have a very big drop in the operational areas with a lot of data, but the difference is so minimal that the interval between one and the other call can be the performance of the machine, really, I think it won’t make much difference.

5 answers


In this case, creating three methods fragments your logic unnecessarily so leaving logic in one place just seems the best alternative. You can swap this if for array as you are basically choosing a query.

public static function get_collaborators(string $filter = 'all'){
    $baseQuery = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators ';
    $queries = array('all' => $baseQuery, 'active' => $baseQuery .'WHERE status = 1' , 'inactive' => $baseQuery .'WHERE status = 1');
    $sql = isset($queries[$filter]) ? $queries[$filter] : $baseQuery;
    $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string();
    return $rs['data'];
  • Nor has that shape crossed my mind, even without being the most attractive visually, undermines the need for ifs and to have more than one method, perfect.


There is difference in execution from one to another?

Yes, but it depends on many factors, at least when considering the response time. If you are having problems with performance in your application. for sure is not the if the problem. There must be other performance bottlenecks in other parts of the code or the database itself.

If yes, which would be better?

The one that doesn’t hurt the semantics and atomicity of your code, not necessarily the fastest. As I commented on the question, the PHP language itself was not designed to perform well, so it’s unnecessary to worry about such small details.

Between the two ways presented, I think none of them is the best, because in the first you repeat the SQL query for each condition - if you are writing 3 times the same thing, there is something wrong; in the second you would have three methods with exactly the same goal (semantic), which violates the principle of atomicity.

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I particularly think that writing only a method that returns according to the value of the parameter - that’s its function, isn’t it? - makes much more sense, makes the code cleaner and much easier to understand and maintain.

public static function get_collaborators(string $filter = NULL)
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM data_collaborators";

    if ($filter) {
        $status = ($filter == "active") ? 1 : 0;
        $sql .= " WHERE status = {$status}";

    $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
    return $rs['data'];

Still, I don’t know what class this is running in, but considering there’s a class just to work with the table data_collaborators, could be done something like this:

class Collaborators
    const INACTIVE = 0;
    const ACTIVE = 1;
    const ALL = 3;

    public static function get(int $filter = self::ALL)
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM data_collaborators";

        if ($filter !== self::ALL)
            $sql .= " WHERE status = " . $filter;

        $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
        return $rs['data'];

So you could use:

  • Collaborators::get(), or Collaborators::get(Collaborators::ALL) for all employees;
  • Collaborators::get(Collaborators::ACTIVE) for all active employees; and
  • Collaborators::get(Collaborators::INACTIVE) for all inactive employees.

Or even define auxiliary methods:

public static function actives()
    return self::get(self::ACTIVE);

public static function inactives()
    return self::get(self::INACTIVE);

See working on Ideone.

And so use Collaborators::actives() and Collaborators::inactives() to get active and inactive employees respectively. Note that, unlike its implementation, this does not hurt the principle of atomicity, because all responsibility is concentrated in the method get; the other two methods have no responsibility and exist only as one sugar-syntax.


This is not a simple answer, but in terms of performance the gain is derisory.

There is no cake recipe, but you can use a function only and use a filter with the in clause ().

An example from the Soen

$ids    = array(0,1);
$params = implode(",", array_fill(0, count($ids), "?"));
$sql    = "SELECT * FROM data_collaborators WHERE status IN ($params)";
$stmt   = $mysqli->prepare($sql);

call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bindparams'), $ids);


In case you can change the parameter so you don’t need to check with if instead of filter use status as parameter:

public static function get_collaborators($status = null)

    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM data_collaborators'.$status?' WHERE status = '.$status:null;     

    $rs = \MySQL\MySQLSelector::select_by_query_string($sql);
    return $rs['data'];
  • A ternary operator within a string? Are you sure this works?

  • absolute. Note that it is inside keys. Inside Voce keys you can put any expression that it will return the result of that to the string.

  • If it’s not a good idea to do it this way, I’ll try it here, but I found a little strange this query, I think there’s something wrong.

  • Fixed, but with keys works too.

  • But for that to string needs to be set in double quotes. PHP does not parse the content of string with simple quotes. And I did a test and did not run the operator within the string (

  • Actually, I won’t use exactly this, but this gave me a solution with a single method without needing ifs, I believe it is the best option, use the direct parameter as a status argument.

  • 1

    It’s been a while since I left php, so I don’t remember very well how it works.

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Yes, there is a difference in execution however minimal it may be. It happens for the reason that the get_collaborators() be executed, will have 3 different evaluations to be executed: if, elseif and one more elseif.

In short: If the filter is for everyone... do...
If the filter is not for everyone and is for active do...
If the filter is not for everyone and not for everyone but is for inactive... Do...

And another "empaca-performance" is that you are performing a query SELECT *, which is always a problem. Even if you want to select all columns, specifically put their name in your query.

About the comment of myth of SELECT *..

It is more proven than the sintaxe * may be slower for the following reasons:

  • Not all fields are indexed and the query uses full table scan.
  • Returning output fields from a table that contains columns of variable length can result in a small search overload: to return field 20, the previous 19 must be examined and compensated values are calculated.
  • Only more data needs to be returned (passed through the connection). Since you need almost every field, the last reason is probably the most important. Let’s say that the TEXT field of the description can be only 1 of the 50 unused fields on the page, but it can take up 10 times more space than all the other fields together.


Perform separate functions and do not use SELECT *.

  • 1

    The select * is a myth that hasn’t been true for a while.

  • In this specific case I need all the data, so the '*' in select, and it is usually also done with PDO the queries, only in this case and other few is via string because they were the first things done before structuring well the project, my doubt is in the question of the call of the same methods.

  • @Anthraxisbr Read my new edition. Again... Do not use SELECT *. It is not and will never be a good practice.

  • And on the call of methods... That’s exactly what I answered. There’s no sense my response has been negative.

  • 1

    @Godfreytheking was not that my question, I asked about the call of methods, not of selection, Obs: it was not I who denied.

  • @Anthraxisbr You really read my answer? Sim, há diferença na execução por mais mínima que possa ser. Isso acontece pelo motivo que ao get_collaborators() ser executada, terá 3 avaliações diferentes a serem executadas: if, elseif e mais um elseif.. Which answers your question clearly and objectively Existe diferença na execução de um para outro ? (mesmo que irrisória) Se sim, qual seria melhor ? Se não, qual segue o 'padrão correto' seguido pela maioria ?

  • This answer I understood, but I ended up thinking about something else that maybe more income because there would be no verification, and the methods would be shorter, would there be a difference if using cadenced methods ? : EX: filterAll()->get_collaborators_data(), or filterActive()->get_colalborators_data(), and construct queries based on the first call.

  • There would be unnecessary code difference. Keep your idea of métodos separados.

  • If I helped you, I cleared the doubt based on the explicit question in quote that you wrote... Accept the answer as correct.

  • 1

    I think the focus is not select *, since its statement lacks sources. That is, and always has been, a past argument that has never been properly proven, people just talk and that’s it. Today all market Dbms are optimized enough for this. Now if you have a source that proves what you are saying, please.

  • See here, or here, or if you are interested in reading a book about high performance in Mysql, etc, access


  • This is the only website on 4 Google pages where it says it’s a myth. Ending this discussion needlessly around here. Doing well.

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