custom rangeValidation


Viewed 45 times


How to make a Validator range where Max is the current year + 1 ?

I’m wanting to do a validation in dataannotation on my models I want to do a validation range from 1950 to current year +1 By default it is not possible to do using the default range

 [Range(1950, Convert.ToDouble(DateTime.Now.Year+1), ErrorMessage = "O ano deve estar entre {1} e {2}!" )]

cannot insert a variable into the value. So I tried to expand the Rangeattribute class.

public class StringLengthRangeAttribute : ValidationAttribute
                public int Min { get; set; }
                public int Max { get; set; }

                public StringLengthRangeAttribute()
                    this.Min = 0;
                    this.Max = DateTime.Now.Year + 1;

                public override bool IsValid(object value)
                    string strValue = value as string;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                        int len = strValue.Length;
                        return len >= this.Min && len <= this.Max;
                    return true;


But on the client side he did not do the validation!. tried with the example described here, and also did not work.

1 answer


Along those lines:

int len = strValue.Length;

You’re picking up the amount of characters that are part of that string and not its value, so your Return does something like:

return 4 >= 0 && 4 <= 2018;

Since 2017, for example, has 4 characters. Try something like:

if (value is int)
    return value >= this.Min && value <= this.Max;

Thus remaining the final code:

public class StringLengthRangeAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    public int Min { get; set; }
    public int Max { get; set; }

    public StringLengthRangeAttribute()
        this.Min = 0;
        this.Max = DateTime.Now.Year + 1;

    public override bool IsValid(object value)
            int strValue = Convert.ToInt32(value);
            return strValue >= this.Min && strValue <= this.Max;
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine("Formato inválido");
  • 1

    I edited your answer with the final code, see if this was it? but it worked.. thanks

  • now the clause SE will always be true since if I fail to make the conversion will burst an untreated exception, but solve the case yes.

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