Open multiple programs on different desktop using script in windows 10


Viewed 551 times


I’m wanting to open some programs on different work screens that I have to use frequently. And I was wondering how do I make a script to automate this.

I made a simple little script. bat to make it easy

echo Abrindo o Netbeans
start /d "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\" netbeans64.exe

echo Abrindo o XAMPP
start /d "C:\xampp\" xampp-control.exe

echo Abrindo PowerShell
start /d "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" powershell.exe 

I also like to open Spotify, Onenote, Browser, but I wanted it to open on another desktop.

I’m using Windows 10 PRO.

  • If you are on the same network see this question:

  • @Laérciolopes I want to open on my own computer. And I wanted to open certain programs on certain desktop in Windows 10 PRO.

1 answer


You can do this by downloading the Vdesk (Vdesksetup-1.0.2.msi) and installing it. When you finish the installation you will notice that a new command will be available in cmd, vdesk. With this, simply use the vdesk command to run applications on a new desktop or on a specific desktop, note the examples:

vdesk run:notepad

Run the Notepad on a new desktop.

vdesk on:5 run:notepad

Run Notepad on desktop 5.

For more examples read this article. Since it is a command available in cmd, you can put in a *.bat, which is your goal, just replace Notepad with your application and set the desirable desktop.

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