How do I find the average of a note? In R


Viewed 128 times


I need to add two typed notes to find the final R average (Nota1 + 2*Nota2)/3 but I don’t know how it makes the final calculation for the script to work without error

print("Escreva seu nome") 


print("Qual a nota1?")



print("Qual a nota2?")



Code line I don’t know.

if (Z<6) {print("Faça a G3.")} else {print("Aprovado.")}

  • 1

    Is not Z <- (Nota1 + 2*Nota2)/3 even before instruction if?

1 answer


To make the arithmetic mean in R we use the function mean(c[x]) which receives a list of numbers. But in your case you would have to do something like:

// Para X = 10 e Y = 20
Z <- (X + 2*Y)/3

The result will be: > [1] 16.66667

  • Yes, I did so from the beginning and the following appeared: Error in 2*Y : non-numerical argument for binary operator

  • 2

    @Carloswinter This error seems to be because in scan is not necessary what="character". Suffice X<-scan(nmax=1), and X is immediately of class numeric. The same for Y.

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