What’s the command to cut paper on the Bematech MP-2100 TH?


Viewed 619 times


What is the command to cut paper on the Bematech MP-2100 TH?

See that it is not the FI she is not fiscal, on the Internet she finds it easy when it is fiscal.

I tried #27+#119 but it won’t take

  • https://youtu.be/w9hVPYLbHo8?t=100

1 answer


According to the documentation of Bematech itself:

Bematech minimpressor models that feature this feature are: MP-2100 TH, MP-4000 TH and MP-4200 TH and MP-2500 TH launches. Both have the same command to trigger the guillotine.

As you did not quote the programming language you are using, I will put the example in Delphi.

function ComandoTX( BufTrans: string; TamBufTrans: integer ): integer; stdcall; far; external 'MP2032.DLL'; function AcionaGuilhotina( Modo: integer ): integer; stdcall; far; external 'MP2032.DLL'

//ACIONAMENTO DA GUILHOTINA sComando := #27 + #119; iRetorno := ComandoTX( sComando, Length( sComando );

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