Place border-bottom online table with css


Viewed 1,169 times


With I have the following CSS that puts a border on all table rows.

.tab_dados tr {
  height: 50px;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #D5D5D5;

Good has some way to make it be put the edge on all the lines except the first TR?

2 answers


selector :first-child

But you will need to use the selector not() to apply to all but the first child:

.tab_dados tr:not(:first-child) {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #D5D5D5;

Or you can simply remove the edge of the first child:

.tab_dados tr:first-child {
    border-bottom: none;


As much as it was considered the first correct answer, I think another solution would be to apply the border to <td> because the edge is not applied to the Tables when not set: table { border-collapse: collapse; } WHEREVER, that would be another solution.

table tr:not(:first-child) td{
  height: 50px;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    <td> Item 11</td>
    <td> Item 12</td>
    <td> Item 13</td>
    <td> Item 14</td>
    <td> Item 21</td>
    <td> Item 22</td>
    <td> Item 23</td>
    <td> Item 24</td>

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