Call a class extension within the mother class?


Viewed 60 times


I work with a kind of framework for HTML rendering and events, among other essential things, which is actually a standard HTML code generator because I can use either as a direct renderer or as an add-on to standardize my HTML.

Within this framework I have a class to include the dependencies to make it work properly, and, I can extend this class to include other dependencies that are not part of the framework.

Currently, the working mode is a 'play back and forth again', that would be, store the whole page in a variable, and through the DOM add the new dependencies giving a merge between the arrays framework default and extension add-ons.

//Dentro de $page está todo html da página
$page = $VIDB->content($form)->container('fluid')->go('pt-br');

echo \geralComponents\extendsLocal__jsPackages::get_extendeds_packages($page);

Method get_extends_packages()

public static function get_extendeds_packages($page)
        $extra_packages = self::plus_packages();
        include 'vendor/vidb/assets/php/phpQuery-onefile.php';
        $doc = \phpQuery::newDocument($page);
        $packages = self::get_packages($extra_packages);
        return $doc->find('#js-packages-content')->html($packages);

And the get_packages method

public static function get_packages($extra)
        $files = '';
        $packages = self::packages();
        if($extra != null){
            $packages = array_merge($packages,$extra);
        foreach ($packages as $import)
            $path = $import['path'];
            $file = $import['file'];
            $version = $import['version'];
            $files .= '<script src="' . $path . '/' . $file . '' . $version . '.js"></script>';
        return $files;

Knowing that it may be necessary to include dependencies that are not foreseen in the framework, I could create an extension for the class within the application that is being developed to include this dependency. The doubt I have in relation to this process is as follows:

It is possible to have a mother class method check if it exists an extension for the class, and if it exists, perform some method of that class extension?

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