How to make paging in Sqlserver 2008 R2?


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I tested with two forms, but did not succeed.

select * from table OFFSET 10 ROWS

select top 10 * from table OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY

Interestingly I never had to offset this version of Sqlserver, and now I’m having difficulties with something relatively simple.

Errors displayed on console:

Message 102, Level 15, Status 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'.
Message 153, Level 15, State 2, Line 3
Invalid Usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.

I might be wrong, but I confess that I did not find answers on the site that really answer my question (which is curious, since it is something relatively simple).

  • 1

    I want to be wrong, but I believe that LIMIT does not work on Sqlserver. This is a MYSQL command, isn’t it? I at least use TOP 10 in Sqlserver, and LIMIT 10 in MYSQL.

  • The constructions you used only work in the 2012 (onward) version of SQL Server.

  • See "Comparing performance for Different SQL Server paging methods"

2 answers


There are two ways to do this. Let’s assume that the query you will make is this:

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate >= '1980-01-01' ORDER BY OrderDate

In this case, Voce should determine the total results using:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate >= '1980-01-01'

...may be inappropriate considering the efficiency of the result.

Now, in order to achieve a more appropriate consultation, the following model could be the most efficient:

FROM    ( SELECT    ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY OrderDate ) AS RowNum, *
          FROM      Orders
          WHERE     OrderDate >= '1980-01-01'
        ) AS RowConstrainedResult
WHERE   RowNum >= 1
    AND RowNum < 20

Here it will return 1-19 lines of the original query. Now, just adapt to your code.


Thiago, To paginate it is necessary an ordination (ORDER BY) of the records for your case:

SELECT * FROM table 
ORDER BY 1 --Nome campo
  • I even tested using order by as well, but I get the following errors: Message 102, Level 15, Status 1, Line 3 Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'. Message 153, Level 15, State 2, Line 3 Invalid Usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.

  • Thiago, you haven’t forgotten ORDER BY? because Offset is an additional parameter of ORDER BY. Follow microsoft doc with function documentation [link] (

  • I tried yes! The query I tried to run was this: SELECT TOP 10 * FROM users ORDER BY id OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY

  • It’s still not working! SELECT * FROM Personal...

  • The bank is at compatibility level?

  • To be honest I had never accessed the property, and for once I am not the SA of the bank... But this implies that?

  • 1

    So in the microsoft documentation it was written from SQL 2008 but when reading the document more in depth, the Offset function is available from the 2012 version of SQL server.

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