Software to create templates


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I started programming in WEB languages a few years ago. I do more full Server-side and front-side changes like javascript, Jquery, Angular, html. But I have difficulty creating templates for websites since what comes to me already and the templates made.

I looked into the subject and saw that they used a lot of Adobe Fireworks more that has now been discontinued. I also saw a lot about Dreamweaver, Photoshop and I had doubts.

What best software is currently used to create templates?

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    Boy like you are from the back end I understand, but you are very outdated. It is about 5 years that nobody else uses Fireworks, nor Dreamweaver. If you want to draw the screens, assemble the layout, finally, recommend: Photoshop or Illustrator(entered the place of Fireworks) both from Adobe, also others that are often used are Sketch and Invision for prototyping and layouts.

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    Now if you want to develop screens with code have Adobe Muse and have tbm the Pingendo that you click and drag and so assemble the screens as needed. Still if you want to use only code there are several text editors: Brackets, Sublimetext, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Notepad++, Rubymine, Phpstorm.

  • @Leandro Yes, use Sublime Text for code editor. But I have difficulty creating the layout of the site. I really need a way to start studying how to create the screens. Since I only get the ready pages only I need to create the functions in Javascript, Angular, etc page and then end with the back.

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    If you’re having trouble getting on to something already ready in front-end, the wisest(in my opinion) since you already know code, and fall on html and css...

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    @williamCut knows what you do (in my humble opinion), download Pingendo that already comes with bootstrap templates, then you just drag and assemble the screens the way you want. This will give you a good base to start to assemble the screens, which is normal, because td back-end world has a lot of difficulty in design. It already mounts an html and css file tbm, then either vc edits html and css in Pingendo itself or Sublimetext.

  • @Magichat So my difficulty and in design, I want to go on to do this part of design. And it’s complicated to depend a lot on the design people sometimes.

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    Yeah bro, the best way for me is at the root, html and css, after you leave for a framework that makes you comfortable...

  • @Leandro Amigo I am annotating everything here what are passing me. It is serving of great help. Regarding editing html and css I already know a lot.

  • @Leandro You make design?

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    @Williamcoqueiro I am front-end, but I develop layouts yes.

  • @Leandro You usually use this software for production or do it directly by the text editor?

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    @Williancoqueiro yes I go straight for the encoding same, only when I have to show the client a prototype then I assemble the layout and later encode.

  • @Leandro Do you think then I’ll be going the wrong way? I saw that you mentioned above the difficulty of back-end with design, and really and really, we got a lot stuck in the back without being able to practice at the front. More for me html and css is no problem. Perhaps the problem would be my creativity in relation to this part.

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    @williamThis expensive piece in my opinion designer is a different human area than programming that is exact, but nothing that no one can not learn and develop. I think if you want to create the screens, start following blogs, publications on web design that has many over the internet, will give you ideas and concepts.

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    Since you think there is demand for you to delve into the design would be a good tbm if you could take a course, in these professional schools even, a course of graphic designer would be ideal, because you would learn to mess with the tools cited, Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel, some more advanced depending on school like Invision or Axure. Then you see if for you it is worth investing.

  • Okay, thanks. I’ll take a look. It was very helpful.

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1 answer


Good morning Willian, sure everyone that you quoted the most appropriate would be Photoshop, however you will have to have a good notion of designer, but remembering that it only creates the look of your site, the back-end animations and transitions you will have to do manual.

Dreamweaver not only creates the look, but it’s a very limited program, it creates the back of the code, which is very polluted and has some application-ready tools but nothing out of this world.

The ideal would be for you to test and see which one suits you best, and which one can meet your needs.

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    I think you’re making a mess between back-end and front-end

  • @Magichat Are negativing my question, could you tell me if I said some nonsense so I can correct the question?

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    @Williancoqueiro usually a question outside the scope receives negative, I even gave a +1 pq I think that -1 is enough... It is normal, but it is worth you to consult [help], to understand the reason...

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