ASP . NET MVC 5 - Dropdownlist with Modelstate?


Viewed 1,193 times


I am developing a registration system using MVC5 with DAO, but there were some doubts that I could not resolve.

I have a table where I register Projects and another one where the types of Projects are:

Table: Projects


  • Projectoid
  • Projectionist
  • Projectoid

Table: Projectotpo


  • Projectoid
  • Projectonome

I need to show in my view one DropDownList with all projects for the user to select (in the registration). And I also need to bring these Project Types in the Edit Project page, so that the previously registered value is selected.

After some researches I was able to make it work, but not in the way I would like that the code is currently like this:


//Controller GET: Projeto/Edit/5
public ActionResult Editar(int id)
    //Pesquisar projeto selecionado
    ProjetoDAO proj_dao = new ProjetoDAO();
    Projeto proj = proj_dao.listById(id);

    //Pesquisar todos os TIPOS de projetos
    ProjetoTipoDAO proj_tipo_dao = new ProjetoTipoDAO();
    List<ProjetoTipo> lista_projetotipo = proj_tipo_dao.ListAll();

    //Lista de SelectListItem
    List<SelectListItem> lista_ddl = new List<SelectListItem>();

    //Percorrer lista de Tipos de Projetos e adicionar na lista de SelectListItem
    bool selected = false;
    foreach (var item in lista_projetotipo)
        //Checar se é o ID selecionado
        selected = (proj.ProjTipoId.ToString().Equals(item.ProjTipoId.ToString()));

        //Adicionar item na lista
            new SelectListItem()
                Text = item.ProjTipoNome,
                Value = item.ProjTipoId,
                Selected = selected

    //Enviando a lista de Tipos de Projetos para a view através de ViewBag
    ViewBag.ListaTiposProjeto = lista_ddl;


<div class="row">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-md-2">
            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.ProjTipo, 
                 new { @class = "control-label" })
        <div class="col-md-10">
            @Html.DropDownList("ListaTiposProjeto", null, 
              "Selecione um item", new { @class = "form-control" })

That way, I can display the data on DropDownList and also bring it selected on the edit page, but I can not use the ModelState to validate the form.

  • How I would do the same thing using the @Html.DropDownListFor<>?
  • This would be the way? , because I followed some tutorials and did not work!

2 answers


You can create a Viewbag with the information of Type:

  public ActionResult Editar(int id)
        //Pesquisar projeto selecionado
        ProjetoDAO proj_dao = new ProjetoDAO();
        Projeto proj = proj_dao.listById(id);

        //Pesquisar todos os TIPOS de projetos
        ProjetoTipoDAO proj_tipo_dao = new ProjetoTipoDAO();
        List<ProjetoTipo> lista_projetotipo = proj_tipo_dao.ListAll();

        SelectList dropDown = new SelectList(lista_projetotipo, "ProjTipoId", "ProjTipoNome");

        ViewBag.ListaTiposProjeto = dropDown;

        return View(proj);


 <div class="row">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <div class="col-md-2">
                        @Html.LabelFor(model => model.ProjTipo, new { @class = "control-label" })
                    <div class="col-md-10">
                        @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ProjTipo, (SelectList)ViewBag.ListaTiposProjeto, "Selecione um item", new { @class = "form-control" })

It is necessary that in your Project class you have the Project Type ID and that in the recovery of the object this ID has value

  • Thank you, it worked the way I needed it.


In your viewmodel, create the following attribute:

public SelectList TiposProjeto { get; set; }

there, where you prepare your screen (controller or some other layer), you popularize:

model.TiposProjeto = new SelectList(proj_tipo_dao.ListAll(), "ProjTipoId", "ProjTipoNome");

in your cshtml file:

@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.ProjTipoId, Model.TiposProjeto, "Selecione...", new { @class = "form-control" })

this way, if it already has value within ProjTipoId, he will already come selected.

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