I generated the following chart:
The code used was the following:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as dates
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
x = []
y = []
dataset = open("./datasetDdos10Abril2017_unixtime_slowloris.csv","r")
##separacao no csv eh por virgulas
for line in dataset:
line = line.strip() #23,24\n -> 23,24 retira a quebra de linha
X,Y = line.split(",") #separador eh a virgula
x.append( float(X))
y.append(float (Y))
x1 = [datetime.fromtimestamp(int(d)) for d in x]
plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
y1 = []
v = 0
for i in sorted(y):
if(abs(i-v > 50)):
v = i
plt.plot(x1, y, 'ro')
plt.title("Número de Conexões por segundo: Ataque Sockstress")
plt.ylabel("Número de Conexões por segundo")
#plt.gca().set_ylim([0, 29800])
When showing the graph to a teacher, he said that the graph was not very clear and suggested to do it as a bar graph.
Any suggestions on how to better present the data?
How to make a bar chart using Python, like the data below?
The data file (CSV) is available at: https://ufile.io/cnhl5
The bar chart would be much better, I only saw the value of 09:45 after looking at the screen, already with the bar would be much clearer because the bar occupies a much larger space in the graph.
– Tiago Oliveira de Freitas
@Tiago Oliveira de Freitas : thank you! Helped a lot to understand the reason!
– Ed S