Delphi - Taking property values with Getpropvalue()


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I’m using the function GetPropValue() from Delphi to take values from certain properties of some type objects TControl. Everything works correctly when I take simple property values, for example Value, Opacity, etc, but as I am using firemonkey there are some extended properties, for example, RotationCenter, she owns RotationCenter.X and RotationCenter.Y, or even text properties within TextSettings, in these properties with sub-properties I can’t get the values.

In this example below I can get the values correctly:

if IsPublishedProp(Componente_cc, 'Value') then
  editValue.Text := GetPropValue(Componente_cc, 'Value', true);

Where Componente_cc: TControl; and is created dynamically, can also be any kind of component of Firemonkey (so far all right, everything works).

Already when I need to use the form below, it doesn’t work.

if IsPublishedProp(Componente_cc, 'RotationCenter.X') then
  editRotationCenterX.Text := GetPropValue(Componente_cc, 'RotationCenter.X', true);

Does anyone know a way to get these properties extended by this function?

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