Delete files with Codeigniter


Viewed 2,430 times


I want to delete a BD record that contains an image. When you do this, also delete that image from the folder where it is. How to proceed to make such action?

  • Your question talks about one thing, but your code mirrors another. Specifically, what do you want to do is delete a file when you delete a comic book entry or delete the "recipes" directory? With your code you have now entered in the question, you are deleting the folder and not a file within it. Regarding the error you get, it is a lack of permissions in the folder to delete it, probably the user who created it is not trying to delete it.

  • Sorry for my mistakes. I edited the question, I think I could clarify more, otherwise, sorry again!

2 answers


The helper of files from Codeigniter allows you to delete files in a given path:


If you want to delete only one file, you will be better served using the function unlink() of PHP:

$caminhoParaFicheiro = '/caminho/para/ficheiro/bubu.jpg';

if (unlink($caminhoParaFicheiro)) {
     echo 'Bubu morreu';
else {
     echo 'Não foi possível matar o BuBu';

How can you call the unlink function of PHP:

  • You understand its logic. But the image deletion is done through a record list, where I will have the button to perform such action. How could I proceed?

  • 2

    +1 for the use of Bubu ahahah


To delete only one file:


$file = '/dir/src/arquivo.png';


echo 'Excluido com sucesso';


echo 'Erro ao excluir';



To delete multiple files:


$dir = '/dir/src/'; //Irá excluir todos do diretório src

$open = opendir($dir);

while($read = readdir($open)){

if($read != '.' && $read != '..'){

$e = @unlink($dir.$read);

echo 'Arquivo {$read} excluido com sucesso <br>';
echo 'Erro ao excluir o arquivo {$read} <br>';




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