I have a problem with C# which is as follows: I would like when I selected a combo box option, which comes directly from the database, to appear the respective code of the one I selected in a label on the right side of the combo box. I’ve done this in a different exercise before, but I can’t figure out where the problem is. My teacher said that a solution would be to use the igualartext() method, but it still doesn’t work. In case, only with this system select an option and appear a label according to the selected that I would complete the exercise, which is to record what I selected in the bank.
Here is the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace ProjetoEscola
public partial class frm_reg_men : Form
OleDbConnection conn = Conexao.obterConexao();
OleDbConnection dr_Alunos;
BindingSource bs_Alunos = new BindingSource();
OleDbConnection dr_Disciplinas;
BindingSource bs_Disciplinas = new BindingSource();
OleDbConnection dr_Mencao;
BindingSource bs_Mencao = new BindingSource();
OleDbConnection dr_reg_notas;
BindingSource bs_reg_notas = new BindingSource();
String _query;
public frm_reg_men()
private void carregar_aluno()
_query = "SELECT * from Alunos order by Nome";
OleDbCommand _dataCommand = new OleDbCommand(_query, conn);
OleDbDataReader dr_Alunos = _dataCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dr_Alunos.HasRows == true)
bs_Alunos.DataSource = dr_Alunos;
cmb_aluno.DataSource = bs_Alunos;
cmb_aluno.DisplayMember = "Nome";
cmb_aluno.ValueMember = "Matricula";
lbl_matricula.Text = cmb_aluno.SelectedValue.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Não temos Alunos Cadastrados !!!!", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private void carregar_disciplina()
_query = "SELECT * from Disciplinas order by sigla";
OleDbCommand _dataCommand = new OleDbCommand(_query, conn);
OleDbDataReader dr_Disciplinas = _dataCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dr_Disciplinas.HasRows == true)
bs_Disciplinas.DataSource = dr_Disciplinas;
cmb_disciplina.DataSource = bs_Disciplinas;
cmb_disciplina.DisplayMember = "sigla";
cmb_disciplina.ValueMember = "cod_disciplina";
lbl_codigo.Text = cmb_disciplina.SelectedValue.ToString();
MessageBox.Show("Não temos Disciplinas Cadastrados !!!!", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private void carregar_mencao()
_query = "SELECT * from Mencao order by Mencao";
OleDbCommand _dataCommand = new OleDbCommand(_query, conn);
OleDbDataReader dr_Mencao = _dataCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dr_Mencao.HasRows == true)
bs_Mencao.DataSource = dr_Mencao;
cmb_mencao.DataSource = bs_Mencao;
cmb_mencao.DisplayMember = "Mencao";
cmb_mencao.ValueMember = "Mencao";
MessageBox.Show("Não temos Alunos Cadastrados !!!!", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private void carregar_grid()
_query = "SELECT Alunos.Nome, Disciplinas.sigla, Disciplinas.descricao, Registro_Mencoes.mencao FROM Disciplinas INNER JOIN (Alunos INNER JOIN Registro_Mencoes ON Alunos.Matricula = Registro_Mencoes.matricula) ON Disciplinas.cod_disciplina = Registro_Mencoes.cod_disciplina order by Alunos.Nome";
OleDbCommand _dataCommand = new OleDbCommand(_query, conn);
OleDbDataReader dr_reg_notas = _dataCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dr_reg_notas.HasRows == true)
bs_reg_notas.DataSource = dr_reg_notas;
dgv_notas.DataSource = bs_reg_notas;
MessageBox.Show("Não temos Menções Lançadas !!!", "Atenção", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private void frm_reg_men_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_query = "Insert into Registro_Mencoes (matricula,cod_disciplina,mencao) Values ";
_query += "('" + lbl_matricula.Text + "','" + lbl_codigo.Text + "','" + cmb_mencao.Text + "')";
OleDbCommand _dataCommand = new OleDbCommand(_query, conn);
MessageBox.Show("Incluido com sucesso!!", "Inclusão", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show("Problemas com a Inclusão!!", "Inclusão", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
public void igualar_text()
lbl_matricula.DataBindings.Add("Text", bs_Alunos, "Matricula");
lbl_codigo.DataBindings.Add("Text", bs_Alunos, "Disciplinas");
Where this called the equal_text?
– Diego Schmidt
Recommendation: STOP learning Webforms, you are wasting your time. There is no market for this. Learn ASPNET MVC.
– Thiago Lunardi
Webforms? I think this is Winforms and I believe it is worth learning to then pass to WPF. I would just recommend learning the development patterns correctly. On the question, you should use any of the events: selectedindexchanged , valuechanged or selectionchanged.
– Rovann Linhalis
OleDbConnection dr_Alunos;
I think this should be aDataReader
and not aConnection
– Rovann Linhalis
In Windowsforms, what I would do is add a Databinding in Combobox, and in Selectedindexchanged event, I would take what’s in Selectedvalue, if I put it in Binding.
– Grupo CDS Informática