How to leave my Activity in 2 plane by executing a function ?


Viewed 193 times


My project is to put a Webview in Activity and when I quit the application, and it stay at 2° plan updating from time to time the Activity so that the site that is Webview also updates. someone help me?

  • Think to me: If the person is not using the smartphone,(for example sleeping) why would they want to update the content of a webview?! It makes more sense to update when the user opens the application. There are some ways to do this, but you will be spending resources on your phone, for example, battery that is one of the problems yet that have not been solved. I’m still waiting for that battery that lasts 20 days without charging. heuhue =D

  • But then ta want to enter a site to get points every 12 hours in a game , and this updated page will always catch msm that the guy is sleeping the person will not worry to open the app to get the points.

  • @renansilvadasneves but this site then is another third right?! It would be easier for someone to help you if you explain exactly what is in the comments. The probability of finding an answer is higher. = D

  • Thanks for the tip ;)

  • Related (duplicate?)Jobscheduler to run every x hours

1 answer


I found an efficient way for me to do this, Jobschedeler He wakes up when he needs to and does his thing and turns it off .

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