Error encountering file: Roslyn csc.exe


Viewed 9,830 times


I was using Visual Studio 2017 normally in an MVC project when it asked to update some packages via nuget.

By doing this, the application no longer wanted to compile and presents the error below:

Could not find’D file: Onedrive Visualstudio2017 siteRelatorios Bpa bin Roslyn csc.exe'.

Does anyone know which package is responsible for this file? Or how do I fix?

2 answers


I installed:

Install-Package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform -Version 2.0.1

And the problem has been solved.


To solve, it’s enough NAY update the package: Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform for the version 1.0.6

I went back to the version 1.0.5 and back to normal.

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