How to use line break in c#


Viewed 6,295 times


I have a tag and on that tag I have a field that is very large.

I need to break the line, to go to the bottom line when I reach a certain number of characters.

etqfracpic1.Add("Cas: " + reader[10].ToString()); 
// como estou passando o comando 

How can I do that?

Excuse me follow the full code.

List<string> etqfracpic = new List<string>();
    List<string> etqfracpic1 = new List<string>();

    public frmEtqFracPic(string guiapic)
        txt_guia.Text = guiapic;
    private void etqfrac()
        SqlCommand comando;

        StringBuilder Query = new StringBuilder();
        Query.Append("   SELECT                                                                                     ");
        Query.Append("   CAST(0 AS bit) AS SELECIONAR                                                               ");
        Query.Append("   ,SC.C2_NUM                                                                                  ");
        Query.Append("   ,SB.B1_DESC                                                                                ");
        Query.Append("   ,SC.C2_XNOMFA                                                                              ");
        Query.Append("   ,SC.C2_XNPAIS                                                                              ");
        Query.Append("   ,SC.C2_XLOTEF                                                                              ");
        Query.Append("   ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CAST(SB.B1_PESO AS NUMERIC(15, 3))) + ' ' + SB.B1_XSEGUM AS PESO      ");
        Query.Append("   ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CAST(SB.B1_PESBRU AS NUMERIC(15, 3))) + ' ' + SB.B1_XSEGUM AS PESBRU  ");
        Query.Append("   ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST( SC.C2_XDTFAB AS DATE),103) AS DATAF                            ");
        Query.Append("   ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST( SC.C2_XDTVALI AS DATE),103) AS DATAV                           ");
        Query.Append("   ,SB.B1_XCAS                                                                                ");
        Query.Append("   ,CB.CB0_CODETI AS [COD. BARRAS]                                                            ");
        Query.Append("   FROM SC2020 AS SC                                                                          ");
        Query.Append("   INNER JOIN SB1020 AS SB WITH (NOLOCK) ON SB.B1_COD = SC.C2_PRODUTO                         ");
        Query.Append("   INNER JOIN CB0020 AS CB WITH (NOLOCK) ON CB.CB0_LOTE = SC.C2_XLOTE                         ");
        Query.Append("   WHERE C2_NUM = @C2_NUM                                                                     ");

        comando = conex.CreateCommand();
        comando.CommandText = Query.ToString();

        comando.Parameters.Add("@C2_NUM", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = txt_guia.Text.Trim();

        DataTable tableGrid = (DataTable)DGW_EtqPic.DataSource;
        DataTable tableRelatorio = null;

        var filter = from DataRow row in tableGrid.Rows
                     where Convert.ToBoolean(row["SELECIONAR"])
                     select row;
        if (filter.Count() > 0)
            tableRelatorio = filter.CopyToDataTable();

            SqlDataReader reader = comando.ExecuteReader();
                while (reader.Read())
                    txt_codbarraspic.Text = reader[11].ToString();
                    txt_cas.Text = reader[10].ToString();
                    etqfracpic.Add("PRODUTO: " + "  " + reader[2].ToString());
                    etqfracpic.Add("FABRICANTE: " + "  " + reader[3].ToString());
                    etqfracpic.Add("ORIGEM: " + "  " + reader[4].ToString());
                    etqfracpic.Add("LOTE" + "  " + reader[5].ToString());
                    etqfracpic.Add("P. BRUTO: " + reader[7].ToString() + "                           " + "P. LIQUIDO: " + "  " + reader[6].ToString());
                    etqfracpic.Add("FABRICAÇÃO: " + "  " + reader[9].ToString() + "               " + "VALIDADE: " + "  " + reader[9].ToString());
                    etqfracpic1.Add("CAS: " + txt_cas.Text.Replace("-", "").Replace(" ", ""));
                    etqfracpic.Add("Guia: " + reader[1].ToString());
                    BarcodeLib.Barcode codbarraspic = new BarcodeLib.Barcode();
                    codbarraspic.IncludeLabel = true;
                    PB_codbarraspic.BackgroundImage = codbarraspic.Encode(BarcodeLib.TYPE.CODE128, txt_codbarraspic.Text.Replace(" ", ""), Color.Black, Color.White, 300, 60);
  • 1

    There’s no way I can help you seeing just one line of code.

  • I’m sorry I put the full code up.

  • Got it. You can get a Substring() which returns a string of the desired size. Substring

  • Example, if it is up to 80 characters the maximum size, you can use Reader[10]. Tostring(). Substring(0,80);

  • Gilberto good afternoon. So the suggestion that you passed it to me in 80 character , but my problem is that it has 120 character, and the rest he did not print, for in 80, I need that when you get to 80 he go to the bottom line and continue the characters.

  • @Juniorguerreiro I put in . Netfiddle: If you release here, I put as answer

  • Rovann thank you so much for your help gave right here...

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1 answer


The @Rovann Linhalis gave the answer to the question. You can use a method to wrap the string

public static string WrapString(string text, int len)
    int x =len;
    while (x < text.Length)
        text = text.Insert(x,"\r\n");
        x += len+2;

    return text;

.net fiddle

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