Phpmyadmin gives 404 error on Linux


Viewed 1,452 times


I followed the installation as per that link, but when I type http://localhost/phpmyadmin, gives error 404. It seems that installed correctly.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Need some permission or something? I restarted Apache and nothing.

  • How is the file my.conf(or the equivalent of the configuration file)?

  • Hello Articuno. I confess that I am new to Linux. How would I view this file? I saw that Phpmyadmin is inside the /usr/share/ folder. In Windows it used to stay inside the www folder. That would be the mistake?

  • I believe it is the file config.db.php as it is in print. EDIT: /etc/phpmyadmin/

  • Tive que dar permissão no arquivo e aparece as informações $dbuser='phpmyadmin';

  • I don’t know if it would be the right way, but I copied the folder and put it inside the folder /var/ww/html and it worked.

  • Restarted the apache service? Maybe this has solved, all the tutorials I read here order to do this after installing phpmyadmin

  • I restarted, but it hadn’t worked, but it worked after I copied the folder.

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2 answers



I faced the same difficulty and managed to solve the problem just by including the line Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at the end of the archive /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.



You are required to enter the URL in the browser in lower case http://localhost/phpmyadmin. If you type in capital letters /PhpMyAdmin the application will not be found, because this is defined in the Apache server configuration:

Alias /phpmyadmin "C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin/"

It worked after you copied the files because you created the directory and did a "new" installation of application inside the directory www server, without actually using the one already installed by default.

  • Just by correcting, forced to type in minuscules there is no case sensitive possibility in the browser urls either.

  • I actually put it in the lower-case URL. Here I put Phpmyadmin figuratively, is the addiction to put high box in the first words, but thank you for paying me attention to this detail. I will be more attentive next time. Another point is that I have installed PHP, Apache and Mysql separately. I am not using Xampp.

  • I understand, grateful for the remark.

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