I followed the installation as per that link, but when I type http://localhost/phpmyadmin, gives error 404. It seems that installed correctly.
Need some permission or something? I restarted Apache and nothing.
I followed the installation as per that link, but when I type http://localhost/phpmyadmin, gives error 404. It seems that installed correctly.
Need some permission or something? I restarted Apache and nothing.
I faced the same difficulty and managed to solve the problem just by including the line Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
at the end of the archive /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
You are required to enter the URL in the browser in lower case http://localhost/phpmyadmin
. If you type in capital letters /PhpMyAdmin
the application will not be found, because this is defined in the Apache server configuration:
Alias /phpmyadmin "C:/xampp/phpMyAdmin/"
It worked after you copied the files because you created the directory and did a "new" installation of application inside the directory www server, without actually using the one already installed by default.
Just by correcting, forced to type in minuscules there is no case sensitive possibility in the browser urls either. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10366229/case-sensitive-urls-in-apache
I actually put it in the lower-case URL. Here I put Phpmyadmin figuratively, is the addiction to put high box in the first words, but thank you for paying me attention to this detail. I will be more attentive next time. Another point is that I have installed PHP, Apache and Mysql separately. I am not using Xampp.
I understand, grateful for the remark.
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How is the file my.conf(or the equivalent of the configuration file)?
– user28595
Hello Articuno. I confess that I am new to Linux. How would I view this file? I saw that Phpmyadmin is inside the /usr/share/ folder. In Windows it used to stay inside the www folder. That would be the mistake?
– user24136
I believe it is the file config.db.php as it is in print. EDIT:
– user28595
Tive que dar permissão no arquivo e aparece as informações $dbuser='phpmyadmin';
– user24136
I don’t know if it would be the right way, but I copied the folder and put it inside the folder /var/ww/html and it worked.
– user24136
Restarted the apache service? Maybe this has solved, all the tutorials I read here order to do this after installing phpmyadmin
– user28595
I restarted, but it hadn’t worked, but it worked after I copied the folder.
– user24136