I can’t install numpy


Viewed 63 times


When calling a Python application appears written

Traceback (Most recent call last): File "C: Users benev Onedrive programaþátio ML classificacao.py", line 15, in from sklearn.naive_bayes import Multinomianb File "C: Python27 lib site-Packages sklearn__init__.py", line 57, in from . base import clone File "C: Python27 lib site-Packages sklearn base.py", line 8, in import numpy as np Import: No module named numpy

and I’m having trouble installing Numpy. How do I?

  • And how you tried to install it?

  • So I looked in Chocolatey.org/Packages and then downloaded a program to install numpy, but it didn’t work.

  • Try to run on the command line: pip install numpy

  • It worked out thanks!

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